Canonbury Masonic Research Centre presents its 13th annual international conference in October. This year's theme is "Freemasonry and Empire."
Saturday 22 October
9:00 Registration and coffee
9:50 Official opening
Keynote lecturer: Freemasonry across EmpiresDr. Jessica Harland-Jacobs, Associate Professor, University of Florida
10:45 Morning coffee
11:15 Chair: Professor Andrew Prescott, King’s College London
Empire, the Craft, culture and the Anglophone CaribbeanDr. Allison Ramsay, University of the West Indies, Barbados
Western ideology meets Eastern promise: an archival view of the masonic relationship between Umdat ul Umrah (future Nawab of the Carnatic) and the Prince of Wales (future King George IV), Grand MasterSusan Snell, Archivist, Library and Museum of Freemasonry, London
Freemasonry and the Indian Parsi Community: a late meeting on the levelSimon Deschamps, University of Bordeaux III
Uncharted masonic identities in British colonial amateur films, 1920 - 1940Dr. Annamaria Motrescu, Centre of South Asian Studies, University of Cambridge
12:35 Panel discussion
13:00 Lunch
Keynote lecture: Freemasonry and slavery in the British EmpireProfessor Cécile Revauger, University of Bordeaux III
15:00 Afternoon tea
15:30 Chair: Dr. Jim Daniel, University of Sheffield
Russian Freemasonry, imperial reform and utopianism in eighteenth and early nineteenth-century imperial RussiaDr. Yuri Stoyanov, SOAS
Freemasonry in Egypt in the nineteenth and twentieth centuriesKarim Wissa, Diplomat
Muslim reformers and the British Empire: the masonic affiliations of Jamal ad-din al-afghani and Mohammed AbduhSaid Chaaya, L’Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EHPE), Paris
Freemasonry in the Congo, 1908-1914. Anti-masonic discourse of the Catholic missionariesJimmy Koppen, Free University of Brussels
16:50 Panel discussion
17:30 Close
19:00 Dinner
Sunday 23 October
Keynote: Anglo-American masonic relations, 1840 - 1890Dr. Jim Daniel, University of Sheffield
10:45 Morning coffee
11:15 Chair: Dr. Jessica Harland-Jacobs, Associate Professor, University of Florida
Iconography of the Imperial lodgesMark Dennis, Curator, Library and Museum of Freemasonry, London
Setting the Empire in Stone: Richard, Earl Temple and the building of StoweDr. Joan Coutu, Associate Professor, University of Waterloo
Eighteenth-century masonic halls and the British EmpireHarriet Sandvall, Library and Museum of Freemasonry, London
'An Emblem of the Unity of the Empire': Freemasonry and the Imperial Institute, South KensingtonFrank Albo, Peterhouse, University of Cambridge
12:35 Panel discussion
13:00 Lunch
Keynote lecture: Curling with Cannonballs: Fratriotism and the negotiation of identity in EuropeProfessor Andrew Prescott, King’s College London
15:00 Afternoon tea
15:30 Chair: Professor Cécile Revauger, University of Bordeaux III
The ‘great masonic Empire’ of Napoleon Bonaparte and the construction of masonic identities in Europe (1800-1815)Dr. Eric Saunier, University of Le Havre
Freemasonry and the Central Powers: the 1918 Berlin conferenceReinhard Markner, Berlin
Regimes of territoriality: overseas conflicts and inner-European relations, c.1870-1930Dr. Joachim Berger, Institute of European History (IEG), Mainz
16:30 Panel discussion
17:00 Close
Tickets for the conference are £100. Price includes entrance to the abovementioned film showing, as well as two buffet luncheons over the conference weekend. Tickets for the Saturday evening dinner are an additional £40.00.
Cheques should be made payable to the ‘CMRC’ and sent to: Canonbury Masonic Research Centre, Canonbury Tower, Canonbury Place, London N1 2NQ. Please be sure to include your name and full contact details (including phone number and email address) with your payment and state if you have any special dietary requirements. Please also note that the CMRC does not accept credit card payment. BACS and IBAN transfer, as well as student reductions, are available on request.
For further information please contact the conference organiser Matthew Scanlan on tel: 00 44 (0)20 7226 6256 or email conference@canonbury.ac.uk