Alice and I are going to be traveling extensively around the country starting in July 2018, and I need everyone's help. We've got the new Airstream trailer. The Suburban ('The Red Scare') is filling up with stuff we probably won't need. And the poodle has his own special backseat perch.
We've even joined both the Wally Byam Airstream Club (#3765) AND the National Camping Travelers (#22322) – the trailer and RV club created in 1966 by and for Masonic campers.
I've been working with Oklahoma Brother Daniel Hanttula in assembling a list of the top Masonic must-see sights to visit in every state of the U.S. and Canadian Province. Daniel is the author of the The Masonic Tour Guide book series (Volume 2 was just published in January 2018), and I am going to work with him in expanding this list of Masonic related places to see. His two books are extremely helpful, but they need more locations and events. That's where your assistance comes in.
Daniel and I are both looking for the oldest, the coolest, the biggest, the tiniest, most historical, most significant, and the most unique Masonic buildings, locations and other Masonic-related landmarks in YOUR state or Province. It can be Craft Lodge related, or the appendant bodies. It can be historical sites, or almost any physical location peculiar to your particular state or province having to do with Freemasonry.
In addition, Daniel's books also list distinctive settings in which degrees are conferred, various unique Masonic degree teams (like the Oklahoma Indian MM Team, Indiana's Levant Preceptory, and New Jersey's Kilties), unusual side degrees, special Masonic time capsules, cemeteries, and extraordinary opportunities for Masonic affiliation. I am slowly adding these to my own list below to make it more comprehensive, and if I can find it, I will add a link to pertinent websites or Facebook pages.
Bear in mind that this isn't to promote one-time events like upcoming special degrees or time-specific conferences or gatherings. To be truly useful and comprehensive, the list needs to be timeless. Only send recurring events (i.e. Masonic Week, Masonic Con, etc)
Please send your suggestions to me directly to or add them as a comment to this page below using the comment form (Google has messed with log in credentials and makes it harder to comment on this blog in the last few months, so feel free to email me). Put "Masonic Sightseeing" in your subject line so I can spot it.
This is an ongoing project, so please don't send angry "How could you forget about...??!!!" messages. I'm adding to it slowly every day now as I work my way through 2,500 old posts and references.
Be sure to check your state on the list below because I may have already included it. And please pass along any Masonic sites I have missed or shoud include from your state or Canadian province.
Meanwhile, be sure to follow Daniel's The Masonic Tour Guide Facebook page HERE.
•Huntsville - Helion Lodge No. 1, first and oldest lodge in Alabama (descended through Madison Lodge No. 21 chartered by Kentucky in 1811). Eunomia Hall built 1911.
•Arizona Military Fellowcraft Degree Team•Phoenix - Phoenix Masonic Temple (b. 1925) - home of Phoenix Lodge No. 2, recently refurbished, with beautiful murals throughout (4th and Monroe)
•Tucson - Tuscon Scottish Rite Cathedral, b. 1915-16 (160 S. Scott Avenue)
•Little Rock
- The Pike-Fletcher-Terry House - mansion constructed in 1840 by Albert Pike (411 E. 7th St.).
- Albert Pike Memorial Scottish Rite Cathedral, home of the Grand Lodge of Arkansas
•Los Angeles
- Former Scottish Rite Center, now Museum (Wilshire Avenue)
- Jimmy Kimmel studio former Hollywood Lodge (Hollywood Boulevard)
•Mendocino - Mendocino Lodge No. 179 features unique carved statue of 'Weeping Maiden and Time' on its tower cupola (built 1866). Beautifully preserved inside and out.
•San Francisco - California Memorial Masonic Temple, home of Grand Lodge of California; Henry Wilson Coil Library and Museum (111 California Street)
•Shasta - Western Star Lodge No. 2 (chartered as Western Star No. 98 by Grand lodge of Missouri in 1848); oldest lodge in California; building erected in 1854.
•San Francisco - California Memorial Masonic Temple, home of Grand Lodge of California; Henry Wilson Coil Library and Museum (111 California Street)
•Shasta - Western Star Lodge No. 2 (chartered as Western Star No. 98 by Grand lodge of Missouri in 1848); oldest lodge in California; building erected in 1854.
•Denver Lodge No. 5 - Colorado's oldest chartered lodge (1859). Meets in beautiful Denver Masonic Hall (b. 1889) at 16th and Welton Streets. Red sandstone exterior building was gutted by fire in 1984, and completely rebuilt inside.• Nevada Lodge No. 4 (established in 1861) is located in the ghost town of Nevadaville, Colorado. They have preserved their original lodge room, right down to the wallpaper. They meet monthly for stated meetings. For visiting information, see their website.
•Denver Airport - the conspiracy lovers' dream. Masonic dedication marker and time capsule in main passenger terminal, creepy murals (by artist Leo Tanguma), swastika runways, underground tunnels, 'alien' vocabulary embedded in the floor, Satanic blue horse sculpture - it's all there, and more.
•Fairplay - Lodge Room Over Simpkin's Store (South Park City Historical Site, 100 4th Street, Fairplay, CO)
•Leadville - Corinthian Lodge No. 35 (b.1910; chartered 1882), highest altitude active US lodge (10,152 ft).
•Pike's Peak Cryptic Masonic Monument
•Woodbury - King Solomon's Lodge No. 7 (chartered 1765), Greek-revival on rocky hill, oldest purpose-built Masonic temple in state (b. 1839)
District of Columbia
- Albert Pike statue (3rd and D Streets, NW) - NOTE: The Pike statue was toppled and defaced by rioters in the summer of 2020. Removed by the Parks Department. Its current status is unknown.
- Former Grand Lodge of DC building 1870-1909 (901 F. Street NW)
- Former Grand Lodge of DC building 1909-1970s (now Natl. Museum for Women in the Arts, 1250 New York Avenue NW)
- Current Grand Lodge of DC offices and Museum (5428 McArthur Blvd NW)
- Scottish Rite Supreme Council SJ House of the Temple (1733 16th Street NW)
- Naval Lodge No. 4 - Egyptian styled lodge room, b. 1894 (330 Pennsylvania Avenue SE)
- MW Prince Hall Grand Lodge of DC (1000 U Street NW)
- Belmont House, headquarters of General Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star (1618 New Hampshire Avenue, NW)
- Washington National Cathedral (Episcopal Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in the City and Diocese of Washington) - George Washington statue in northwest corner sculpted by Lee Lawrie (1947) erected by Scottish Rite SJ (3101 Wisconsin Ave NW)
•Fort Clinch - During the Civil War, Confederate forces seized the fort on the border with Georgia in early 1861, and Master Masons from both sides met and held meetings inside, according to fort records. Each fall, Amelia Lodge No. 47 of Fernandina, Florida confers a MM degree outdoors on the grounds of historic Fort Clinch, with officers in both Union and Confederate uniforms. (Lodge located at 1101 South 14th Street, Fernandina)
•Mt. Dora - Donnelly House (b. 1893), an historic mansion that is classic gingerbread style, owned by Mount Dora Lodge No. 238 is one of only two examples of this type of Queen Anne architecture left in Florida. Appears on city's official seal.
•Iolani Palace (364 S. King Street, Honolulu)
•New Albany - Annual Crypt Rededication (Late July, New Albany Masonic Temple, 805 E. Market St)
•Vincennes - Vincennes Lodge No. 1 - oldest chartered lodge in Indiana territory (1807); Temple (b. 1916) features unique paper-mâché maze created for conferring Knights Templar 'Order of the Temple.' (501 Broadway)
•Des Moines Scottish Rite Consistory, b. 1926-27 (6th Ave. and Park St.)
•New Orleans
•Grand Lodge of Maryland Masonic Center and Museum (Cockeysville suburb of Baltimore) Beautiful modern facility and grand lodge meeting room. Museum adjacent.
•Attleboro - Masonic Con annually in April at Ezekiel Bates Lodge.
•Bunker Hill Monument (King Solomon's lodge display)
•Bloomington - Masonic Heritage Center, b. 2016; newly opened on the grounds of the Masonic Home; museum; library; theater; lodge rooms (11411 Masonic Home Dr,)
•Pipestone - Pipestone Masonic Temple, quartzite building originally built in 1898 as Ferris Opera House; Masonic temple since 1916. Beautiful lodge room features unique Old Testament murals painted by Austrian artist Leo Henke in 1918 (106 E. Main Street).
•Bellevue - Olde Towne in Washington Park, site of Peter Sarpy's Trading Post, where first Masonic lodge was established in Nebraska - Nebraska Lodge No. 1, chartered 1855 (at corner of East 19th Avenue and Franklin Street). In 1955, Bellevue Lodge No. 325 was chartered and meets across the street from Washington Park at 1908 Franklin Street.
•Bridgeton - Brearley Lodge No. 2 (chartered 1791 as No. 9), oldest continuously used lodge building in the state, b. 1797. (59 Bank Street)
•Asheville - Asheville Masonic Temple (b. 1915) was built for Mount Hermon Lodge No. 118 (chartered in 1848 but operating under dispensation from 1828), York Rite and Scottish Rite bodies.
•Great Smoky Mountains National Park at Black Camp Gap - North Carolina Masonic Marker
•Great Smokies Summer Assembly aka Maggie Valley York Rite Festival- annually in early July
• Halifax - Royal White Hart Lodge No. 2 (chartered 1767). Historic building erected in 1769.
•New Bern - St. John's Lodge No. 3 (chartered 1772) has one of the oldest Masonic lodge halls still in use in the US (b. 1801). Its theatre is believed to be the oldest operating in the United States, and was opened in 1804. It is beautifully restored and maintained.
•Fort Buford - Yellowstone Historic Lodge No. 88
•Lake Metigoshe - Masonic Island
•U.S./Canadian Border near Dunseith, ND) - International Peace Garden Lodge
•Crater Lake - Crater Lake outdoor degree (inside National Park), usually first Saturday in August; hosted by Crater Lake Lodge 211 of Klamath Falls.
•Portland - Friendship Lodge No. 160 (chartered 1914) - beautifully remodeled temple with balcony and stunning stained glass ceiling (8130 N. Denver Avenue in Portland)
•George Washington Lodge No. 143 - oldest continuous Masonic building in state - 1823 (Chambersburg, PA)
•Elizabethtown - Masonic Villages complex
•Gettysburg - 'Friend To Friend' Memorial
•New Castle - Scottish Rite Valley
•Rapid City - Mt. Rushmore Lodge No. 220, chartered 1953 (618 Kansas City St.)
•Deadwood - Mount Moriah Cemetery's road names are known to all Masons, and there is an outdoor 'Celestial Lodge' there for visitation and reflection. Cemetery was created in partnership in 1878 between Freemasons and the Jewish community. Also visit Deadwood Lodge No. 7, chartered 1877 (715 Main Street)
•Franklin - Franklin Masonic Hall (b. 1823) oldest Masonic Hall in continuous use in Tennessee; claimed as oldest continually operating Masonic Lodge building in the United States. Hall is the only meeting site between a sitting President and a Native American Nation, President Andrew Jackson having met with a delegation from the Chickasaw Nation in 1826 for a treaty signing. Home of Hiram Lodge No. 7 (chartered 1809)
•Kingston - Eblen's Cave Degree, hosted by Union Lodge No. 38 (visiting degree teams from across the US, annually in August)
•Fairfield - Camp Floyd Historic Lodge No. 205, commemorates the first Masonic lodge in the Territory of Utah, March 6, 1859, (chartered as Rocky Mountain No. 205 UD Missouri). Lodge meets annually on the Saturday before Memorial Day, location varies.
•Salt Lake City Masonic Temple
Granite Falls - Masonic Family Park, Annual outdoor MM degree, 1st Saturday of August. The Masonic Park is the property of the Master Masons Club of Snohomish and Island Counties. It consists of 245 acres of beautifully wooded land on rushing Canyon Creek and is located in the foothills of the majestic Cascade Mountains. Campground for private use by Masons only, not open to the public.
•Cambridge - Social Lodge No. 245 (chartered 1891), smallest lodge room in Wisconsin, approx. 15' x 15' (Cambridge Masonic Center, 105 South Spring Street)
•Madison - Grand Masonic Center, new Grand Lodge facilities, lodge room, auditorium, museum and library (36275 Sunset Drive, Dousman, WI)
•Milwaukee/Whitefish Bay - Aurora Lodge No. 30, only German language-speaking Masonic lodge left in Wisconsin; works degrees and meetings in German using "modified French Rite" (517 E. Beaumont, Milwaukee)
•New Diggings - Olive Branch Lodge No. 6 (chartered 1897) located in the only dedicated "Masonic cemetery" in Wisconsin. First Masonic Temple in Wisconsin erected in New Diggings built in 1845. Temple was moved in 1950 from the town of New Diggings to the Masonic cemetery (County Highway W, west of of New Diggings). (PLEASE UPDATE THIS INFORMATION)
•Kananaskis Springtime Workshop - Delta Lodge at Kananaskis, annual in early April
British Columbia
•Dawson City, Yukon - Temple of Yukon Lodge No. 45; built in 1903 with a $25,000 grant from Andrew Carnegie with city and territorial assistance, the Carnegie Library on Queen Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues opened in 1904 with over 5,000 books. It was the northernmost Carnegie library ever built. The library moved out in 1920 and the building remained empty until 1934 when it was sold to Yukon Lodge No. 45. Mother lodge of Robert W. Service, Yukon poet.
•Tybee Island - Tybee Lite Shrine Club is located in a former gun battery of the historic 1808 Fort Screven at 1 Meddin Avenue. Constructed originally out of poured concrete, what it lacks in external charm it makes up for in its unique surroundings and history.
- Auburn Avenue Prince Hall Masonic Temple
•Macon - Masonic Home of Georgia has largest square and compass display in the world (88ft h x 78ft w), dedicated 2014.
- Solomon's Lodge No. 1 (former Cotten Exchange building b.1841), the oldest continuously operating English constituted lodge in the western hemisphere.
- Scottish Rite Masonic Center , Unique and beautiful multi-story temple on a downtown corner lot that combines Greek Revival with turn of the century flourishes. Built between 1913-1923. Located at 341 Bull Street.
•Tybee Island - Tybee Lite Shrine Club is located in a former gun battery of the historic 1808 Fort Screven at 1 Meddin Avenue. Constructed originally out of poured concrete, what it lacks in external charm it makes up for in its unique surroundings and history.
•Iolani Palace (364 S. King Street, Honolulu)
•Bloomingdale - Scottish Rite Valley of Chicago, stunning modern Masonic center in Chicago suburb (383 E. Lake Street Bloomingdale, IL)
•Nauvoo - Alexander Mills' Masonic Hall and Tavern at Joseph Smith's Mormon settlement, 1843
•Nauvoo - Alexander Mills' Masonic Hall and Tavern at Joseph Smith's Mormon settlement, 1843
•Adam's Mill, contains lodge room used by former Wild Cat Lodge 1853; currently being restored as historic Masonic display.
•Connersville - historic Elmhurst Estate (c. 1831), now Warren Lodge No. 15 since 1941. Former home of Caleb B. Smith.
•Connersville - historic Elmhurst Estate (c. 1831), now Warren Lodge No. 15 since 1941. Former home of Caleb B. Smith.
- Indianapolis Scottish Rite Cathedral (largest Scottish Rite building in the world, b. 1927-29)
- Indianapolis Masonic Temple (b. 1909) - four Craft lodge rooms; Chapter/Council room; Templar Asylum (home of Raper Commandery No. 1); Egyptian themed Red Cross room; large auditorium; Grand Lodge offices (525 N. Illinois Street).
- Masonic Library and Museum of Indiana (Indianapolis Masonic Temple, 525 N. Illinois Street, 5th floor)
- Murat Shrine Temple and Theatre (b. 1910; now Old National Center; largest Shrine Auditorium in the world)
- Prince Hall Masonic Temple (former Oriental Lodge No. 500, 2201 N. Central Avenue)
- 'George Washington As A Master Mason' statue by Frank De Lue on south lawn of Indiana State House (Capital Ave. and W. Washington St.)
•Madison - Schofield House, birthplace in 1818 of Grand Lodge of Indiana
•Muncie - Cornerstone Center for the Arts, former Muncie Masonic Temple, b.1920-26. Lodge rooms feature magnificent Biblical murals painted by famed artist Gustav A. Brand. Claimed as the largest York Rite Temple in the world. (520 E. Main Street)
•Muncie - Cornerstone Center for the Arts, former Muncie Masonic Temple, b.1920-26. Lodge rooms feature magnificent Biblical murals painted by famed artist Gustav A. Brand. Claimed as the largest York Rite Temple in the world. (520 E. Main Street)
•New Albany - Annual Crypt Rededication (Late July, New Albany Masonic Temple, 805 E. Market St)
•Vincennes - Vincennes Lodge No. 1 - oldest chartered lodge in Indiana territory (1807); Temple (b. 1916) features unique paper-mâché maze created for conferring Knights Templar 'Order of the Temple.' (501 Broadway)
•Cedar Rapids - Iowa Masonic Library and Museum
•Des Moines - Des Moines Masonic Temple, b. 1913. (1011 Locust St)
•Des Moines - Des Moines Masonic Temple, b. 1913. (1011 Locust St)
•LaGrange - Rob Morris Home (built c. 1840); Masonic author, lecturer, PGM of Kentucky, founder of the 'Conservators Movement' and the Order of the Eastern Star, and 'Poet Laureate of Freemasonry.' Owned since 1919 by the Kentucky Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star (102 Washington Street)
•Lexington - Lexington Lodge No. 1
•Lexington - Lexington Lodge No. 1
- Etoile Polaire Lodge No. 1 - arguably the oldest chartered lodge in Louisiana (1794), works French-derived Scottish Rite Craft degree rituals, sometimes referred to as "red lodge degrees" (1433 N. Rampart Street)
- Hilton St. Charles Hotel - former Grand Lodge and Masonic Temple building (b. 1926, sold 1992; 333 St. Charles Avenue)
- Germania Lodge No. 46 (chartered 1844), also works Scottish Rite Craft rituals, one of ten permitted to do so in Louisiana. (4415 Bienville Street)
- Nolaluna Theater - former Scottish Rite Consistory Building (b. 1853; 619 Carondelet Street)
•Shreveport - Shreveport Scottish Rite Cathedral (b. 1915-17), magnificent building with three-level auditorium (725 Cotton Street)
• Kennebunkport - Arundel Lodge No. 76 In 1930, Brother Lewis Norton painted a continuous mural all the way around the lodge room that depicts the various ages of the Earth in an impressionistic style. The result is positively stunning.
•Grand Lodge of Maryland Masonic Center and Museum (Cockeysville suburb of Baltimore) Beautiful modern facility and grand lodge meeting room. Museum adjacent.
•Attleboro - Masonic Con annually in April at Ezekiel Bates Lodge.•Boston
- Grand Lodge of Massachusetts AF&AM (186 Tremont Street)
- Samuel Crocker Lawrence Library at Grand Lodge building
- Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
- Prince Mall Monument (Boston Common)
•Bunker Hill Monument (King Solomon's lodge display)
•Lexington - Scottish Rite NMJ Masonic Museum and Library (33 Marrett Road)
•Westford - The Westford Knight (or Sinclair Rock), dubiously claimed to be a pre-Revolutionary War roadside carving of a Knight Templar (or medieval knight) and sword, first identified as such in 1954.
•Worcester - Masonic Temple (b.1913-14), home of Morning Star Lodge, includes Egyptian-themed room.
•Westford - The Westford Knight (or Sinclair Rock), dubiously claimed to be a pre-Revolutionary War roadside carving of a Knight Templar (or medieval knight) and sword, first identified as such in 1954.
•Worcester - Masonic Temple (b.1913-14), home of Morning Star Lodge, includes Egyptian-themed room.
•Detroit Masonic Temple, largest Masonic building in the world (500 Temple Avenue, Detroit)
•Pipestone - Pipestone Masonic Temple, quartzite building originally built in 1898 as Ferris Opera House; Masonic temple since 1916. Beautiful lodge room features unique Old Testament murals painted by Austrian artist Leo Henke in 1918 (106 E. Main Street).
•Grand Lodge of Missouri Museum (Columbia, MO)
•Bonne Terre Mine Degree, organized by Samaritan Lodge No. 424 (39 N. Allen Street, Bonne Terre, MO)
•Lexington - Replica of Masonic College (1848-57) classroom and building in College Park (at corner of State and 16th Streets).
•Ste. Genevieve - Green Tree Tavern (b. 1790), log tavern and location of the first Masonic Lodge west of the Mississippi River, Louisiana Lodge No. 109 (chartered by GL of Pennsylvania in 1807; defunct).
•Bonne Terre Mine Degree, organized by Samaritan Lodge No. 424 (39 N. Allen Street, Bonne Terre, MO)
•Lexington - Replica of Masonic College (1848-57) classroom and building in College Park (at corner of State and 16th Streets).
•Ste. Genevieve - Green Tree Tavern (b. 1790), log tavern and location of the first Masonic Lodge west of the Mississippi River, Louisiana Lodge No. 109 (chartered by GL of Pennsylvania in 1807; defunct).
•St. Louis - The imposing and incongruously named New Masonic Temple at 3681 Lindell Boulevard (b. 1925), now sold to non-Masons) is magnificent, and remains one of the greatest Masonic buildings ever constructed. Temple is closed by new developer, no Masonic presence today. See also St. Louis Scottish Rite Consistory one block down.
•Bellevue - Olde Towne in Washington Park, site of Peter Sarpy's Trading Post, where first Masonic lodge was established in Nebraska - Nebraska Lodge No. 1, chartered 1855 (at corner of East 19th Avenue and Franklin Street). In 1955, Bellevue Lodge No. 325 was chartered and meets across the street from Washington Park at 1908 Franklin Street.
Nebraska Lodge No. 1 relocated to Omaha and now meets at West Omaha Masonic Center (2424 South 135th Avenue in Omaha)
•Lincoln - Grand Lodge of Nebraska Masonic Museum and Research Library; contains the newly rediscovered George Washington Lininger Collection. (301 N. Cotner Blvd.)
•Lincoln - Grand Lodge of Nebraska Masonic Museum and Research Library; contains the newly rediscovered George Washington Lininger Collection. (301 N. Cotner Blvd.)
•Omaha - Nebraska Lodge No. 1 relocated from Bellevue to Omaha and now meets at West Omaha Masonic Center (2424 South 135th Avenue in Omaha)
•Virginia City - Escurial Lodge No. 7, chartered 1864. Upper lodge room is a copy of the 1863 original.
New Hampshire
- William Pitt Tavern (b. 1766 as the Earl of Halifax Tavern); third floor added as meeting space for St. John's Lodge No. 1 (orig. chartered 1736 by premiere GL of England). Historic site of formation by five lodges of the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire in 1789. Contains period recreation lodge room and Masonic Museum. William Pitt Tavern Lodge No. 1789 was chartered in 1983 as a special purpose lodge to raise funds necessary to restore and maintain the tavern (416 Court Street).
- James E. Whalley Masonic Museum and Library at Portsmouth Masonic Temple (351 Middle Street)
New Jersey
New Mexico
•Lincoln - It was here on April 28, 1881 that Billy the Kid famously escaped from jail after killing J.W. Bell and Bob Olinger, the two Deputies tasked with guarding him. The Old Lincoln County Courthouse (1870) has a replica Masonic lodge open to the public, and Bell was murdered in the stairwell outside of the lodge. The Grand Lodge of New Mexico holds session in the room once per year
•Santa Fe Scottish Rite Temple (463 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe)
•Santa Fe Scottish Rite Temple (463 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe)
New York
•Albany - Albany Masonic Temple (b. 1895-96) sits on property that has belonged to Masons continuously since 1768 - longest in America. Both Presidents Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt were members here. Home to five lodges, York Rite, and Scottish Rite bodies. Stunning interior; huge hand-carved throne; stained glass windows. (67 Corning Place).
•Jonestown - St. Patrick's Lodge No. 4 (chartered 1766); one of oldest lodges in New York, still possesses its original English charter, and officers still wear their original 1766 jewels. They have their complete set of minutes for every meeting held from its inception in 1766 to the present time.
•New York City
•Jonestown - St. Patrick's Lodge No. 4 (chartered 1766); one of oldest lodges in New York, still possesses its original English charter, and officers still wear their original 1766 jewels. They have their complete set of minutes for every meeting held from its inception in 1766 to the present time.
•New York City
- Grand Lodge of New York Masonic Hall (71 West 23rd Street, New York City)
- Garibaldi Lodge
- Mariner's Lodge
- St. John's Lodge A.Y.M. No. 1's George Washington Inaugural Bible
- Chancellor Robert R. Livingston Library and Museum
- Fraunces Tavern, 54 Pearl Street (c.1719; opened as inn 1762 by Samuel Fraunces, proprietor of the Free Mason Arms; rebuilt 1904) - oldest standing building in New York City, site of early Masonic gatherings and Washington's famous farewell to his troops. Samuel Fraunces was described as a "West Indian Negro and steward to George Washington"; member of Holland Lodge No. 8.
- Brooklyn (former) Masonic Temple (b. 1907-09) - landmark Masonic building that set the stage for imitators across the country for two decades. Now home to numerous clandestine groups (Clermont and Lafayette Avenues in Fort Greene, Brooklyn).
•Queens - 'George Washington As A Master Mason' statue by Frank De Lue in Flushing Meadows Corona Park; remnant of New York's Masonic Pavilion from the 1964-65 Worlds Fair. Also, square and compass denoting its location on sidewalk relief map of Fair site.
•Tappen - DeWint House, George Washington's Headquarters
- Masonic Care Community
- Daniel D. Tompkins Historic Chapel - famous Masonic stained glass panels and 'Silence' sculpture
- 1964 World's Fair Pavilion surviving square and compass
North Carolina
•Great Smoky Mountains National Park at Black Camp Gap - North Carolina Masonic Marker
•Great Smokies Summer Assembly aka Maggie Valley York Rite Festival- annually in early July
• Halifax - Royal White Hart Lodge No. 2 (chartered 1767). Historic building erected in 1769.
•New Bern - St. John's Lodge No. 3 (chartered 1772) has one of the oldest Masonic lodge halls still in use in the US (b. 1801). Its theatre is believed to be the oldest operating in the United States, and was opened in 1804. It is beautifully restored and maintained.
North Dakota
•Fort Buford - Yellowstone Historic Lodge No. 88•Lake Metigoshe - Masonic Island
•U.S./Canadian Border near Dunseith, ND) - International Peace Garden Lodge
•Dayton Masonic Center
•Miamitown - Nova Caesarea Harmony Lodge No.2 (recreated historic lodge room)
•Miamitown - Nova Caesarea Harmony Lodge No.2 (recreated historic lodge room)
•Oklahoma Masonic Indian Degree Team
•Elk City - Route 66 Old Town Museum - 2nd floor of attorney's office, "Elk City Lodge No. 182" (2717 W. 3rd Street). This is actually a false storefront upstairs with a sign and a glass door to the 'Masonic lodge' at this roadside attraction. In reality, it is a painting inside the door depicting a lodge without an actual room, and most of the buildings in this roadside cluster have no real interiors. The very real Elk City Lodge is actually in town.
•Guthrie - Scottish Rite Cathedral; one of the largest Scottish Rite buildings in the world
•McAlester - Scottish Rite Temple (b. 1930); beautiful art-deco reliefs and Egyptian-revival interiors
•Tonkawa - Tonkawa Lodge 157 historic Masonic Temple building (c. 1925), on Natl. Register of Historic Places. Beautifully preserved inside.
•Elk City - Route 66 Old Town Museum - 2nd floor of attorney's office, "Elk City Lodge No. 182" (2717 W. 3rd Street). This is actually a false storefront upstairs with a sign and a glass door to the 'Masonic lodge' at this roadside attraction. In reality, it is a painting inside the door depicting a lodge without an actual room, and most of the buildings in this roadside cluster have no real interiors. The very real Elk City Lodge is actually in town.
•Guthrie - Scottish Rite Cathedral; one of the largest Scottish Rite buildings in the world
•McAlester - Scottish Rite Temple (b. 1930); beautiful art-deco reliefs and Egyptian-revival interiors
•Tonkawa - Tonkawa Lodge 157 historic Masonic Temple building (c. 1925), on Natl. Register of Historic Places. Beautifully preserved inside.
•Hot Springs - Malheur Cave, 17 miles east of Crane Hot Springs and site of annual cave degree since 1938; owned by Robert Burns Lodge No. 97. Usually late summer, or early fall.
•Portland - Friendship Lodge No. 160 (chartered 1914) - beautifully remodeled temple with balcony and stunning stained glass ceiling (8130 N. Denver Avenue in Portland)
- Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682 (60's modern)
- William A. Carpenter Memorial Chapel (huge stained glass window)
- DeMolay Campus (home of numerous Masonic conferences)
- Pennsylvania Academy of Masonic Knowledge (annually in March and October)
•Gettysburg - 'Friend To Friend' Memorial
•New Castle - Scottish Rite Valley
•Philadelphia - Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania Freemason Hall (One North Broad Street)
•Scranton - Masonic Temple (Scranton Cultural Center)
•Scranton - Masonic Temple (Scranton Cultural Center)
Rhode Island
•Newport - Newport Tower, claimed by some to be a Knight Templar structure
South Carolina
•Charleston - Founding of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite in 1801 commemorated by a series of historical plaques at Broad and Church Streets
•Walhalla - Stump House Tunnel Masonic Degree, usually in October. Pre-Civil War tunnel, now abandoned.
•Walhalla - Stump House Tunnel Masonic Degree, usually in October. Pre-Civil War tunnel, now abandoned.
South Dakota
•Deadwood - Mount Moriah Cemetery's road names are known to all Masons, and there is an outdoor 'Celestial Lodge' there for visitation and reflection. Cemetery was created in partnership in 1878 between Freemasons and the Jewish community. Also visit Deadwood Lodge No. 7, chartered 1877 (715 Main Street)
•Franklin - Franklin Masonic Hall (b. 1823) oldest Masonic Hall in continuous use in Tennessee; claimed as oldest continually operating Masonic Lodge building in the United States. Hall is the only meeting site between a sitting President and a Native American Nation, President Andrew Jackson having met with a delegation from the Chickasaw Nation in 1826 for a treaty signing. Home of Hiram Lodge No. 7 (chartered 1809) •Kingston - Eblen's Cave Degree, hosted by Union Lodge No. 38 (visiting degree teams from across the US, annually in August)
•Houston - Scottish Rite Valley of Houston features immersive "holodeck" projection system for degree presentations (2401 W. Bellfort)
•La Vernia - Brahan Lodge No. 226 (chartered 1859; lodge hall b. 1869-71) Members included veterans of Texas War for Independence, Mier Expedition, Mexican War, Indian campaigns. Believed to be the oldest continuously-used, purpose built Masonic lodge, church and school building in Texas. Members quarried stone, hauled it to site by ox-cart, completed hall 1871. Beautiful lodge room murals were painted in 1960 by Robert S. Brown, then 75 year old.
•San Antonio - Scottish Rite Valley and Masonic plaques at the Alamo
•La Vernia - Brahan Lodge No. 226 (chartered 1859; lodge hall b. 1869-71) Members included veterans of Texas War for Independence, Mier Expedition, Mexican War, Indian campaigns. Believed to be the oldest continuously-used, purpose built Masonic lodge, church and school building in Texas. Members quarried stone, hauled it to site by ox-cart, completed hall 1871. Beautiful lodge room murals were painted in 1960 by Robert S. Brown, then 75 year old.
•San Antonio - Scottish Rite Valley and Masonic plaques at the Alamo
•Fairfield - Camp Floyd Historic Lodge No. 205, commemorates the first Masonic lodge in the Territory of Utah, March 6, 1859, (chartered as Rocky Mountain No. 205 UD Missouri). Lodge meets annually on the Saturday before Memorial Day, location varies.•Salt Lake City Masonic Temple
- George Washington National Masonic Memorial
- Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22
- Gadsby's Tavern (George Washington really DID eat here)
- District of Columbia foundation stone, dedicated by Masonic ceremony at Jones' Point Park
- Annual Easter Observance by Knights Templar
•Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4, founded 1752 - George Washington's Mother Lodge and home of the Bible he took his obligations upon (Fredericksburg, VA)
•Richmond - Mason's Hall (b. 1785-87), oldest American Masonic lodge building, home of Richmond-Randolph Lodge No. 19. Virginia delegates to the constitutional convention received their instructions there. In the war of 1812 it served as a an army hospital. Union general (a Mason) sacking Richmond posted a guard on the building to prevent it from being burned during Civil,War. (1807 E. Franklin St.)
•Williamsburg Lodge No. 6 (1759)
•Richmond - Mason's Hall (b. 1785-87), oldest American Masonic lodge building, home of Richmond-Randolph Lodge No. 19. Virginia delegates to the constitutional convention received their instructions there. In the war of 1812 it served as a an army hospital. Union general (a Mason) sacking Richmond posted a guard on the building to prevent it from being burned during Civil,War. (1807 E. Franklin St.)
•Williamsburg Lodge No. 6 (1759)
•Winchester Hiram Lodge No. 21, founded 1768- magnificent murals (Winchester, VA)
West Virginia
•Madison - Grand Masonic Center, new Grand Lodge facilities, lodge room, auditorium, museum and library (36275 Sunset Drive, Dousman, WI)
•Milwaukee/Whitefish Bay - Aurora Lodge No. 30, only German language-speaking Masonic lodge left in Wisconsin; works degrees and meetings in German using "modified French Rite" (517 E. Beaumont, Milwaukee)
•New Diggings - Olive Branch Lodge No. 6 (chartered 1897) located in the only dedicated "Masonic cemetery" in Wisconsin. First Masonic Temple in Wisconsin erected in New Diggings built in 1845. Temple was moved in 1950 from the town of New Diggings to the Masonic cemetery (County Highway W, west of of New Diggings). (PLEASE UPDATE THIS INFORMATION)
•Kananaskis Springtime Workshop - Delta Lodge at Kananaskis, annual in early April
•Dawson City, Yukon - Temple of Yukon Lodge No. 45; built in 1903 with a $25,000 grant from Andrew Carnegie with city and territorial assistance, the Carnegie Library on Queen Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues opened in 1904 with over 5,000 books. It was the northernmost Carnegie library ever built. The library moved out in 1920 and the building remained empty until 1934 when it was sold to Yukon Lodge No. 45. Mother lodge of Robert W. Service, Yukon poet.
•U.S./Canadian Border (near Boissevain, Manitoba) - International Peace Garden Lodge
•Hamilton - Scottish Rite Club of Hamilton - unique mansion (b. 1884) that serves as private club for Scottish Rite members. SR Cathedral (b. 1923) adjacent. (4 Queen Street South).
•North York - Heritage Lodge No. 730 located within Black Creek Pioneer Village history museum. The 1867 lodge room is furnished with pre-Confederation furnishings and is staffed by volunteer Masonic Interpreters. More than 35 authentically restored homes, workshops, public buildings and farms recreate the atmosphere of life in a rural Victorian community of the 1860s (1000 Murray Ross Pkwy, North York)
•Mansonville - Golden Rule Lodge No. 5 Annual Owl's Head Communication - largest open-air lodge in the world on peak of Owl's head Mountain (2,425 ft), 3rd Saturday in June. Held annually since 1857.
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia
•Hamilton - Scottish Rite Club of Hamilton - unique mansion (b. 1884) that serves as private club for Scottish Rite members. SR Cathedral (b. 1923) adjacent. (4 Queen Street South).•North York - Heritage Lodge No. 730 located within Black Creek Pioneer Village history museum. The 1867 lodge room is furnished with pre-Confederation furnishings and is staffed by volunteer Masonic Interpreters. More than 35 authentically restored homes, workshops, public buildings and farms recreate the atmosphere of life in a rural Victorian community of the 1860s (1000 Murray Ross Pkwy, North York)
Check out the Evanston (Illinois) Masonic Temple and stop to see the Cup of Brotherly Love. The second-floor lodge room is among the largest I've seen. I'd be happy to give a tour.
ReplyDeleteTexas was founded by Masons and thus its Masonic history is intertwined with state history. If you can, it's worth checking out a number of historical monuments and buildings that have significance to both Texas state history and Masonic history. There are too many to mention here, but the San Jacinto Battlefield monument (near Deer Park, outside Houston) leaps to mind, as does the Masonic Oak in Brazoria, and La Bahia Presidio in Goliad. The Grand Lodge of Texas has a variety of historical information on its web page, at The Grand Lodge Library and Museum in Waco is worth visiting as well. The Scottish Rite has a valley building in Waco, too, nearby the Grand Lodge. I believe they have a library there as well.
ReplyDeleteIn the SW part of Florida is an RV Park that has an outdoor lodge. Maybe that might be of some interest, considering it involves traveling and a masonic lodge.