Nebraska has also developed a series of online courses in Masonic education, with topics like candidate education, symbolism, history, philosophy, contemporary issues and more .
There are fewer Masons today — by nearly a million — than there were in 1941 as the country came out of the Great Depression, says Richard Fletcher, executive secretary of the Masonic Service Association of North America. There are an estimated 3 million members worldwide and 1.5 million in the USA, he says, compared with more than 4 million members in the USA in 1959.
Why? Blame the Baby Boomers, Fletcher says.
"We had what I call the '60s syndrome," he says. "That was the whole concept of the generation. You turned against anything that was mainstream."
In 2005, the association produced a report called "It's About Time," which encouraged lodges to invite the community in, Fletcher says. But most didn't start opening their doors until Masons in Massachusetts saw successes in 2009 with the policy, he says.
Since then, a growing number have opened their doors:
•In Asheville, Mount Hermon Masonic Lodge 118 allows prospective members to dine with members before official meetings to learn more about Masonry. The effort has paid off. Seven years ago, the lodge was struggling with low attendance and now has about 500 members, says John Burchfield, the local district deputy grand lecturer.
•In Ellwood City, Pa., three lodges in 37th Masonic District held open houses in August.
•In New Hampshire, Freemasons held statewide events in March and October. "It was very well received in New Hampshire," says Nashua, N.H., Rising Sun lodge member Bob Porter. The Nashua lodge got 30 new members, Porter says.
Tough times
The Mason decline is mirrored by other fraternities.
Amos McCallum, a chairman of the past national presidents of the Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks, says his group has 900,000 members, down from 1.6 million in 1980.
Membership in Rotary clubs has dropped nearly 42,000 since 1995 in the USA to 360,790 last year, says Rotary spokeswoman Elizabeth Minelli.
Some civic clubs say they are starting to see an uptick. Lions Club International reported 20,000 new members last year after decades of decline. It has 1.35 million worldwide, says spokesman Dane La Joye.
Reaching out to women has been key, La Joye says. "Women are the fastest-growing segment of our membership today," he says.
Adrian Burton, Grand Master of Freemasons Queensland, today announced the launch of the “Grand Master’s Queensland Flood Appeal”, a $1M fundraising effort to support the rebuilding of Queensland communities devastated by recent flooding. Lodges from throughout Queensland will work hand-in-hand with local Councils and State Government Members in flood-affected areas to raise critically-needed funds for local social infrastructure, community services and projects. A specific Flood Appeal Co-ordination Group has been appointed, led by Assistant Grand Master, Alan Townson.
In the entertainment industry, Illuminati rumors run rampant, and everyone from Rihanna to Kanye West has dealt with accusations their success is due to their involvement in it. Although many celebrities have kept mum on the subject, Jennifer Hudson is speaking out against all the talk about a secret society. During a recent Ustream session, she told fans:“I’m so glad someone brought this Illuminati mess up because only a child of God would address it. That is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard in my life. And it’s offensive because basically what? The people that are here today don’t deserve to be where they are? What, we didn’t work for it? So I find—and I hate to go there—but I find it’s those that can’t make it that would probably join Illuminati, or whoever that is, to get somewhere.”
MJ Murdock Charitable Trust
One of the areas of interest to the MJ Murdock Charitable Trust is arts and culture. The focus when awarding grants for this topic are projects that enrich a cultural environment. The Rialto Community Theater located in Deer Lodge, Montana, was awarded a $300,000 grant from the MJ Murdock Charitable Trust specifically to renovate the theater. Although the Trust's focus is not solely theater renovations, it is obvious that its priorities include this type of project. The Trust reports that about half of the grants and awards they make are given to capital improvement projects.
MJ Murdoch Charitable Trust
703 Broadway, Suite 710
Vancouver, WA 98660
National Endowment For the Arts
The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) includes assistance for theater renovations under their Design Arts Program. Its funding includes feasibility plans for adaptive reuse, restoration and renovation. Funding can also be obtained for theaters involved in the revitalization of cultural districts. Money is available for the planning of theater renovations but not actual construction materials and costs. Apply for grant money for historic preservation, urban and architectural studies and design planning through the NEA topic of "Design."
National Endowment for the Arts
1100 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, D.C.20506-0001
Save America's Treasures
Offered through the National Parks Service, the Save America's Treasures Grant Program includes theaters of historical significance. The program is a federal matching grant program designed to fund restoration projects across America. Matching programs require a two-part award---the grant funds a dollar amount and the theater project committee must locate a non-Federal match for funding. Theaters must have historical significance to qualify. See the National Park Service program details for further information on applying.
Historic Preservation Grants
National Park Service
1201 "Eye" Street NW (2256)
Washington, DC 20005
* Freemasonry is a clandestine organization, which conceals or reveals its system, depending on the circumstances. Its actual principles are hidden from members, except for chosen members of its higher degrees.
* The members of the organization, worldwide, are drawn from men without preference for their religion, faith, or sect.
* The organization attracts members on the basis of providing personal benefits. It traps men into being politically active, and its aims are unjust.
* New members participate in ceremonies of different names and symbols, and are too frightened to disobey its regulations and orders.
* Members are free to practice their religion, but only members who are atheists are promoted to its higher degrees, based on how much they’re willing to serve its dangerous principles and plans.
* It is a political organization. It has served all revolutions, as well as military and political transformations. In all dangerous changes, a relation to this organization appears either exposed or veiled.
* It is a Jewish organization in its roots. Its secret higher international administrative board is made up of Jews, and it promotes Zionist (pro-Israel) activities.
* Its primary objectives are the distraction of all religions, and it distracts Muslims from Islam.
* It tries to recruit influential financial, political, social, or scientific people to utilize them. It does not consider applicants it cannot utilize. It recruits kings, prime ministers, high government officials, and similar individuals.
* It has branches under different names as a camouflage, so people cannot trace its activities, especially if the name of Freemasonry has opposition. These hidden branches are known as Lions, Rotary, and others. They have wicked principles that completely contradict the rules of Islam.
* There is a clear relationship between Freemasonry, Judaism, and international Zionism. It has controlled the activities of high Arab officials in the Palestinian conflict.
* Any Muslim who affiliates with it, knowing the truth of its objectives, is an infidel to Islam.
Much of what we believe about the faith lives of elite scientists is wrong. The 'insurmountable hostility' between science and religion is a caricature, a thought-cliché, perhaps useful as a satire on groupthink, but hardly representative of reality." In highly political, ideological, and moral turf battles, proponents of both science and religion have been guilty of this along many fronts.
What myths does Ecklund dispel? Here are a few:
1. Despite stereotypes, scientists are not entirely irreligious or unspiritual. Around 50% of elite natural and social scientists identify with a religious tradition. That does not mean that they practice their faith in the same way as the broader American public, but it does suggest that faith and spirituality are not absent from the lives of scientific elites.
2. Most scientists made decisions about their spiritual lives before entering science. That means that those without any religious or spiritual commitments may have chosen science because of what they thought; science may not have caused their distance from spiritual practices.
3. Elite scientists who are not at all religious—despite being highly educated, and despite operating in high profile positions—are often very ignorant of even rudimentary aspects of various religious traditions. (Recently, the New York Times reported on the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life research project, which examined basic religious knowledge in the U.S. In the general population, atheists are more knowledgeable about religion than non-atheists. Perhaps atheists in the general population know more because they are more often exposed to other views, whereas scientists, who can be largely insulated from the public, are not exposed to those ideas.)
4. Scientists are often completely unaware of their colleagues' religious orientation because it is either not talked about at all (being deemed inappropriate within the halls of science) or disparaged, under the assumption that being a scientist means being an atheist or agnostic.
5. Scientists who reject God and religion have similar reasons as the general population: existence of evil and suffering, bad religion, bad personal experiences, and cognitive dissonance.
6. Younger scientists are more religious than older scientists—the inverse of the general population, where older people tend to be more religious than younger people.
These myths contribute to Ecklund's mission, which is to "uncover the complex truth about what scientists practice and believe as well as how they encounter and engage (or disengage from) religion in their lives, rather than cede the floor to the hotheads on both sides of this contentious issue."
Ecklund discovered that extreme positions on both sides of the traditional debate have informed the stereotypes we know so well: the atheist scientist who not only declines religion but actively opposes it in a hostile Richard Dawkins/Christopher Hitchens way, and the fundamentalist with fingers in his ears denying direct evidence to protect a cherished belief.
A long civil war of ideology means a loss of future scientific achievement, devalued human purpose, loss of meaning, and an incomplete pursuit of transcendence within the wider culture. Science needs religion, and religion needs science. Fostering genuine learning and dialogue will not mean that the scientific method gets co-opted by religion or that religion is reduced to testable proportions in a lab. Accepting only what can be verified scientifically (scientism) is a wholly inadequate and impossible way to live a life, according to most Americans. Similarly, rejecting all of science in favour of only religiously-derived knowledge will leave the American public open to the very real dangers of uncontrolled fundamentalism, superstition, and regressions of the worst kind.
(T)he well-spoken and seemingly lucid McCaslin is convinced that there are hidden torture chambers and other horrors at the club. He told how he was inspired by Austin, Texas, radio personality Alex Jones. Jones says he has seen "bizarre, Luciferian ceremonies" at the idyllic 2,000-acre redwood grove during the club's annual two-week summer encampment, which draws U.S. presidents and other luminaries.
Justice of the Republic shall take the direction of the GLNF
January 25, 2011 7:33 p.m. | by Francis Koch
In a ruling handed down this morning, the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Paris [TGI] has appointed attorney Monique Legrand, judicial administrator, as ad hoc administrator of the French National Grand Lodge (GLNF) second largest allegiance in France with 43,000 brothers. The mission of the administrator is expected to last six months and will cease as soon as the bodies of the GLNF decide.
This order was obtained today by lawyers for Regular Freemasonry (FMR), an association of brothers of the GLNF in conflict with [its Grand Master] Francois Stifani since December 2009.
According to this ruling, signed on behalf of a vice-president of TGI, the ad hoc administrator has 5 assignments:
1. Administer GLNF with the assistance of employees and take all measures made necessary by the situation;
2. Represent GLNF in all judicial proceedings;
3. Take all measures to enable the GLNF to have a President, a Board and an Office;
4. Convene a General Assembly, the agenda of which is to be the approval of the 2008-2009 accounts, the approval of the 2010-2011 Budget and the ratification of the appointment of President [and Grand Master] by the Supreme Grand Committee;
5. Access any relevant documentation, including membership and financial records.
Consequently, Monique Legrand henceforth has full authority to administer the GLNF. It would therefore appear that the ruling deprives Francois Stifani, who as recently as yesterday signed a letter to the Supreme Grand Committee as “Grand Master”, of any power regarding the current management of the Order.
This information is all the more surprising since Francois Stifani appeared to make a power play by splitting himself in two. On 21 January 2011, he in effect resigned from his position as Chairman of the GLNF ... all the while claiming to remain Grand Master. In essence, he wanted to remain at the head of the Order as Grand Master, while leaving it to a legal agent to carry out the December 7, 2010 decision of the TGI of Paris (the convening of a [General Assembly] for the purpose of removing the President).
Francois Stifani claimed the Order could be run by two brothers: a Grand Master and a separate Chief Manager (which the statutes of the GLNF do not really provide for). His resignation [has] therefore turned against him.
With the resignation of Francois Stifani, the Paris TGI has affirmed that it is no longer necessary for the agenda of the next GA to include the removal of the President and certain members of the Board, but the Assembly must proceed with "the ratification of the appointment of the President pursuant to the provisions of Article 2.3 of the Rules of Procedure." As Article 2.3 is for the nomination of a "candidate for Grand Master" and "ratification of the Association at the General Assembly," it is clear that the Justice of the Republic does not [as Stifani does] distinguish between the functions of Grand Master and President.
• The Lion and the Lamb: A Look at the Symbolism of Redwood Lodge’s Coat of Arms by Shai Afsai
• Who Am I? by Michael Poll
• Unity in Masonry by William J. Mollere
• The 1964-65 Masonic Brotherhood Center by Christopher L. Hodapp
• Speculative Innovations in Initiatic Ceremonies by Bernhard W. "Ben" Hoff
• The Buffs: A Short History of Lodge 170A in the 3rd Regiment of Foot by Peter G. Knatt
• Lessons From My Watch by Christopher L. Hodapp
• Masonic Treasures: George Washington Lodge No. 143, Chambersburg, PA; Philanthropic Lodge, Marblehead, MA
23rd January 2011 - call for papers opens
28th February 2011 - deadline for submission of abstracts (midnight GMT)
28th February - 7th March 2011 - candidate speakers chosen and contacted
28th March 2011 - deadline for papers (midnight GMT)
28th March - 11th April 2011 - final speakers chosen and contacted
11th April 2011 - Speakers and talks announced
Membership includes dues card, pin, a beautiful membership patent hand-sealed with wax, access to our members-only online discussion and research forum, and four issues of our quarterly Journal, which has been described as the best and most beautiful Masonic magazine available anywhere!All for a paltry $39 per year!