The following messages have been posted on the Scottish Rite Orient of Missouri website about the situation in Joplin:
Brethren and friends,
So many have already shown their heartfelt love and support for those in distress in Joplin. All of our prayers are helping as well. Please see the contact information below as to how you may help further at this time. We have also been blessed by other Jurisdictions from around our country who are helping in every respect as well. I have been advised that all of our DeMolays and their families in the area have been accounted for without any fatalities. Unfortunately, at present, at least 35% of our Masonic Family in Joplin have been seriously affected by the tornados and storms. Please help where you can. God bless those in need and all who surround them.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Dad Cockerham
Subject: Joplin Update
We have been in contact with the Secretary of the Scottish Rite (which also houses Friendship Lodge #345) in Joplin. To date they are unaware on any fatalities to area Masons, although some have had their homes damaged or destroyed. The Scottish Rite Temple was not damaged and the Joplin Valley is currently serving 600 meals a day to volunteers and the community even though they are under a boil order for their water supply.
They have been receiving donations of food and water, but their greatest need now is funds so they can continue their efforts.
If you would like to make a donation, you may send a check payable to the Scottish Rite Valley of Joplin with the notation “tornado disaster relief”. The Valley of St. Joseph will be accepting donations of behalf of Joplin or you may send payment direct to Joplin. The Grand Lodge of Missouri has also established a disaster relief fund and payment should be made payable and sent to the Grand Lodge of Missouri with the notation “Joplin area disaster relief”. I have included the addresses below.
Scottish Rite Valley of St. Joseph
515 North 6th St.
St. Joseph, MO. 64501-1802
Scottish Rite Valley of Joplin
Attn:Richard Lowrey
505 South Byers Ave.
Joplin, MO. 64801-2609
Grand Lodge of Missouri
6033 Masonic Dr., Suite B
Columbia, MO. 65202-6568
Please keep the community of Joplin in your thoughts and prayers.
Richard Paul PDDGM 7th District
Executive Secretary Scottish Rite, Valley of St. Joseph
The Joplin storm was the deadliest single tornado in America since modern record-keeping began over 60 years ago, claiming the lives of at least 125 people. As of this afternoon, Missouri public safety officials say that 232 people are still missing.
ReplyDeleteI spoke with Joplin Scottish Rite office today. The addresses of the St. Joseph and Joplin Scottish Rite temples are reversed. Joplin's is 505 S. Byers Ave. Joplin, MO 64801 attention Richard Lowrey
ReplyDeleteThe addresses of the St. Joseph and Joplin Scottish Rite Temples are reversed. Joplin's is:
505 S. Byers
Joplin, MO 64801
Attention: Richard Lowrey
I spoke with them this afternoon.
Fixed here.