The Grand Lodge of Utah prohibited LDS members from becoming Masons in 1925, and tensions between the two groups existed for decades. The ban was lifted in 1984.
From the article:
Cook said the fact that membership requires belief in a supreme being and a willingness to make obligations to fellow Masons through Masonic rituals and symbols that bear some limited similarity to LDS temple ceremonies also foster a misunderstanding of what the fraternity is, and is not.
"There is no question that elements of the (LDS temple) endowment and Masonic ritual are similar," Cook said. "The question for faithful Latter-day Saints is whether that makes a difference. I tend to be a rather concrete thinker."
For those who accept Joseph Smith as a prophet and believe he actually saw God and Jesus Christ in vision as a precursor to restoration of Christ's ancient church, "then the rest, I would suggest, should be a corollary" of that belief.
"I think sometimes we spend too much time worrying about issues that don't really matter to our salvation."
Nothing in LDS faith or practice precludes Latter-day Saints from becoming Masons, he said, though family and church obligations may limit the amount of time Mormon men can spend in other pursuits like Masonry.
"Freemasonry should be an adjunct to your faith and not a barrier to its exercise," Cook said. "I tell people that the only secrets we have are modes of recognition and the passwords. For those, you have to look on the Internet."
The "Encyclopedia of Mormonism" addresses questions about the faith's view of the fraternity, noting "the philosophy and major tenets of Freemasonry are not fundamentally incompatible with the teaching, theology and doctrines of the Latter-day Saints. Both emphasize morality, sacrifice, consecration and service, and both condemn selfishness, sin and greed. Furthermore, the aim of Masonic ritual is to instruct — to make truth available so that man can follow it."
The ritual resemblances between the two "are limited to a small proportion of actions and words," according to the encyclopedia, and "where the two rituals share symbolism, the fabric of meanings is different."
Cook said he sees signs within the Utah fraternity that a new openness is developing toward the community at large, and toward Latter-day Saints in particular, evidenced not only by his recent installation in ceremonies that were open to the public, but also in a willingness to acknowledge the faith in ways it hasn't previously been recognized.
Interesting. As someone who was baptized into the Mormon faith I have come to claim the earthly habits regarding family and the Golden Rule among other things central to Mormonism. The gospel teachings about the after life as I remember them, really seemed to be primarily focused on the resulting effects of choices made now. This is where many, many people get embroiled within themselves and with others for good or bad. There seems to be two types of ways people handle religion from this lens. They sacrifice believing better days will follow after death. And the other people live more for the moment and the things to be found in the here and now. The difference between these to ways of living with religion is that both expect a better life to come some day. But one group doesn't see the need for suffering and sacrifice.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that living in a way now that resembles what you think heaven would be like is just embracing the expected everlasting eternal life their striving for. What could go wrong if all the same rules still apply!
All this to say I have been interested in Free Masonry for some time now. And from this short essay Masons really seem to want the same things in spirit that Mormons do all the time being more focused on whats here, now, and empirical.
M. G. McKamey
ReplyDeleteI am also an active, endowed member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and an active Freemason. I'm currently the Senior Warden of Ashler Lodge #121, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Washington, F & AM. I agree that the objectives of our Fraternity are aligned well with that of our faith. I've never felt that I've had to compromise my obligations as a Freemason or visa versa. The one challenge that I experience is that of calibrating my 24-inch gauge; balancing my time appropriately among family, work, church, and the Fraternity. It is meaningful to have walked in the steps of those Brethren that have gone before, with the same objectives in mind; to be the best man, neighbor, father, son, husband, and Brother that we can be.