Looking forward to being there.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
St Bernard de Clairvaux AMD Council Tonight
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Lodge Vitruvian Hosts Author Michael Halleran
Festive Board to follow the meeting at the nearby Capri Restaurant, 2602 Ruth Drive, Indianapolis, Indiana, (off Keystone Avenue between 71st and 75th Streets)
The Festive Board will feature our guest speaker Bro. Michael Halleran. Bro. Halleran is a practicing attorney who has written and lectured on Freemasonry in both the United States and Great Britain. An active Freemason, he is Past Master of several lodges, mostly recently Justice Lodge No. 457; he is also an elected officer in the Grand Lodge of Kansas.
Michael is the author of The Better Angels of Our Nature; Freemasonry in the American Civil War (2010), published by the University of Alabama Press, and more recently, of Bro. Brother's Journal, available from Macoy Publishing.
Dinner will be $30.
For more information see the lodge website at www.vitruvian.org.
My Friend and Brother Nathan Brindle
Nathan is the Secretary/Treasurer of the Masonic Society. He is a Past Master and Past Secretary of Broad Ripple Lodge No. 643, Past Master of the Dwight L. Smith Lodge of Research, the current Secretary of Lodge Vitruvian No. 767, the Secretary/Treasurer of the Indianapolis Masonic Temple Association, and he served last year as Thrice Potent Master (the greatest title in all of Freemasonry) of the Scottish Rite Valley of Indianapolis. He has been my friend since high school, and I couldn't be prouder than right now. His honor is well earned, and I intend to be in DC next August to see it conferred.
Huzzahs and congratulations to Nathan, and to all of my Indiana brethren who were nominated for the 33rd degree in Cleveland yesterday!
And congratulations as well to the 174 Illustrious Brothers of the Class of 2012, who were coronetted Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, 33rd Degree, honorary members of this Supreme Council in Cleveland this week.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Dwight L. Smith Lodge of Research This Saturday 9/1

The Dwight L. Smith Lodge of Research is a special purpose Lodge under Dispensation, created by the Grand Lodge of Indiana, F. & A. M., for the purpose of furthering research and interest in the history, customs, and societal impact of the Masonic Fraternity. Our mandate is to study these areas from a worldwide perspective, but with a particular emphasis on how they have impacted the lives of Masons, their families, and the general public in the State of Indiana.
The Lodge meets three to four times each year, at its home in Indianapolis at Indiana Freemasons' Hall.
The Lodge is also responsible for oversight of the Grand Lodge Speakers' Bureau and its Orator's Pin program. From time to time, the Lodge publishes Perlustration, a compendium of its proceedings.
We welcome all Indiana Freemasons with an interest in research to join the Lodge and to submit papers for its consideration.
The Dwight L. Smith Lodge of Research will hold its next meeting this Saturday, September 1st at Indiana Freemasons' Hall, 525 N Illinois St, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204. We will open at 1PM, with refreshments to follow.
Interested in joining? Membership is $15 per year. Download the application here.
For more information, see the lodge website at www.indianalodgeofresearch.com , and be sure to sign up for the lodge Facebook page here.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Grand Lodge of Montana
The official documents can be read here. They include a synopsis of the events and the portions of Montana's code that apply to this case.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
2013 MRF Symposium
Ernest Borgnine Memorial Service

"Please be aware that there will be a Masonic Memorial Service for our Brother Ernest Borgnine at the Long Beach Scottish Rite (in their Ernest Borgnine Theatre named in his honor recently), on Saturday, September 1st, starting at 11:00 A.M. He belonged to Hollywood Lodge No. 355 and was a 63 year Mason, having been raised in Virginia back in 1949.
"Illus. Borgnine belonged to both the Los Angeles Scottish Rite and the Long Beach Scottish Rite Bodies. He received “33° Inspector General Honorary” and “Grand Cross” recognitions in the Scottish Rite organization."
Sherm Ostrom
Executive Secretary
Los Angeles Masonic Service Bureau
H/T David Williams
Friday, August 24, 2012
Ft. Clinch, Florida Outdoor Degree
Every October, the members of Amelia Lodge No. 47 perform a Master Mason Outdoor degree at Fort Clinch State Park, in honor of George W. Call, first Worshipful Master of Amelia Lodge No. 47, F&AM 1859-1862. The degree is performed at Ft Clinch , Fernandina Beach, Florida with a 'Civil War' atmosphere. All Master Masons are welcome to attend this degree this year on October 20, 2012. There will be a dinner prior to the degree at Amelia Lodge, 1101 South 14th Street, Fernandina Beach. The dinner will start at 3 pm, for a donation of $10.00. For details please e-mail jhwiggeruscgret@bellsouth.net by the 15th of October with a head count of Brothers attending for meal planning and preparations.
H/T Mike O'Kelley
3rd Annual Tri-Jurisdictional Outdoor Lodge in Saskatchewan
Friday, September 28 - Check in at the Moose Jaw Masonic Temple for registration, cocktails, and conversation at 5:30 with dinner following.
Saturday, September 29 - The program will feature the Entered Apprentice degree using Canadian Rite with the Grand Master in King Solomon’s Chair. Lunch will be provided by Mizpah OES and will feature soup, sandwiches, and desserts. Saturday evening’s banquet will feature roast beef with all the trimmings with entertainment to follow.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Detroit Masonic Temple In Trouble Again

A shutoff notice is taped to the front door of the historic building for failure to pay its bills. The DTE Energy posting says electric and natural-gas service will be disconnected on or after Sunday unless the account is made current.
“We’re not not paying bills. It’s trying to be timely with the bills,” said Jimmy Romeo, the Masonic’s director of events. “The bill will be paid in the allotted time.”
He said that the private event, which is next on the Masonic calendar, will go on as scheduled tonight.
It takes $3,000 a day to run the Masonic, he added.
According to Romeo, the Detroit Masonic Theater Company who runs the entertainment venue for the Masons inherited the outstanding bills when it took over management of the landmark.
Olympia Entertainment oversaw the Masonic until 2010.
A representative for the Ilitch-owned firm would not comment but said the company would release a statement today.
DTE Energy said in a written statement that the Masonic Temple has “accrued a substantial unpaid balance and attempts to reach a workable payment arrangement with the facility’s management have been unsuccessful … Facility management has not complied with a recent agreement for partial payment that would prevent shutoff. We continue to talk with the management team.”
The utility also acknowledged the important role the theater plays in Detroit and the surrounding region.
“We recognize the iconic status that the Masonic Temple holds in the community and we regret that a shutoff may be necessary, but in fairness to all of our customers we cannot continue to provide utility services without payment.”
Standing near the nearly-vacant entrance to the theater, Romeo listed some of the famous acts who’ve performed at the masonic over the years, including Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, The Who and the Rolling Stones.
The Masonic Temple has two major theaters seating 4,300 and 1,500 respectively and ballrooms for up to 1,000 people.
New Past Master's Jewel
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Help Needed From Toronto
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
New Malta Jewels for Raper Commandery No. 1
Masonic Calendar Website

If you have an event that would be of interest to a regional, national or international audience, help us keep the listings up to date by sending dates, locations and details of your Masonic gatherings, speeches, education programs, etc. to articles@themasonicsociety.com
Many thanks to our intrepid Secretary/Treasurer WBro. Nathan Brindle for doggedly tinkering with Joomlah to make this work.
Tri-State Masonic Degree Celebration in Oklahoma 10/19-21
Keep checking at http://www.gloklahoma.com/GrandLodge/GMmessage.html for more details.
H/T to Bill Hosler
Monday, August 20, 2012
Yabba Dabba Doo
A classic PSA from the 1980s featuring Fred Flintstone speaking for Shriner's Hospitals.
H/T to John McAloon
Bumper Sticker
H/T Cliff Porter
Journal of the Masonic Society #16
The new issue of the Journal of the Masonic Society goes to press this week. Articles include:
The Art of Manliness by Brett McKayThe Masonic Society is the fastest growing international Masonic research organization.A Journey From the Tavern to the Temple: Part I ‘Drinking in Due Form’ by R. Brad Bunn
Creating and Using a Personal Sacred Space: Why, Where and How by William S. Burkle
Nebraska Expeditionary Masonry in Afghanistan by Patrick Barger
Jo Daveiss: Frontiersman, Attorney, Soldier, Freemason by Christopher Kimmel
Saturday, August 18, 2012
GLNF: Stifani Won't Seek Second Term
A rough translation of Koch's article, courtesy Google:
It's official, speaking through Jean-Michel Grand Orator Baloup, the Grand Master of the French National Grand Lodge (GLNF) Francois Stifani decided not to seek a second term. The dignitary, the center of an unprecedented crisis for thirty-one months, made the pledge after a meeting of Provincial Grand Masters and members of the Grand Council, which started this morning in Nice. The appointment of the new candidate of Grand Master will be made at a meeting of the Sovereign Grand Committee (SGC) by Francois Stifani convened from 31 August 2012.Why that date? "We wanted the CMS to meet before September, says Baloup. We hope indeed that UGLE [United Grand Lodge of England] would reconsider its proposed withdrawal of recognition of the GLNF. "Francois Stifani has been affected by the announcement of withdrawal of recognition of UGLE for September 12, 2012. Why did Francois Stifani make this decision not to run? "He did not want to be accused of harming the GLNF while there is a fierce defender, says Jean-Michel Baloup. He therefore sacrifices his personal interest to the public interest, emphasizing that it has not failed in its task. "Francois Stifani reacts positively to the argument developed by Mr Monique Legrand, administrator temporary that it must draw the consequences of refusal to ratify two of the GLNF AG. The argument was first developed by opponents, but he had not heard.
Does Francois Stifani support a candidate?"According to tradition, he will present a successor in the person of Deputy Grand Master he will appoint very soon", says Baloup.Alain Cano, the last incumbent, who resigned July 7. To Jean-Pierre and Jean Murat Servel, Jean-Michel Baloup announced, not without a touch of humor: "I will write to them telling them that, given the decision of Grand Master Francis Stifani, it would make sense that they does not represent either. Exits to turn the page, let it be done completely. This will prevent them from suffering another setback. " It is indeed a page should look. But the crisis is it finished so far? Because evidence is to be obvious:CMS responsible for appointing the Grand Master candidate is not representative of the obedience. So will he choose this time a candidate likely to be ratified by the GA of Vénès 1st and supervisors?
Following the decision of François Stifani, the provisional administrator Monique Legrand issued a statement In my capacity as director pro tem of the French National Grand Lodge, I have read the decisions taken by Sir Francis Stifani, following the meeting of Provincial Grand Masters of the GLNF, held TODAY 'Today, in Nice, at its option, under the "crisis". Mr. Stifani inter alia, decided that he would not run for election of the Sovereign Grand Committee, under the designation of a new candidate to the Grand Master. Noting that decision, moreover, in accordance with the "customary logic", as restated in Note No. 10 entitled "what is the method of appointment of the Grand Master? (...) "It is imperative to respect, to carry out my mission as assigned following order on motion dated June 28, 2012, I will convene after the summer break, members of law General Meeting of the GLNF, otherwise known as the Sovereign Grand Committee, for the appointment of a new candidate for the Grand Master, according to the rules applicable to the process of electing the Grand Master of the GLNF. Written and signed in Paris on 20 July 2012. By Master Monique LEGRAND, Judicial Administrator On this reading, we feel that the standoff is not completely finished. Each intends to call the SGC.I Legrand does not specify the date. They will agree in calling the same institution the same day under two different names, one secular the other Masonic? Me and especially Legrand is based on the famous footnote 10 which advocates the appointment of a candidate with an absolute majority. The conflict on this issue between the two parties would be pending before the Court of Cassation.
Grand Encampment 2012 Triennial
David Dixon Goodwin was born on August 15, 1949, in Johnson City, New York and graduated from Union University, Albany (NY) College of Pharmacy in 1972 with a B.S. in Pharmacy. He married Marci Lynn Sternberg on July 15, 1979. They have two daughters, Jennifer and Samantha.
Brother Goodwin was raised a Master Mason in Binghamton Lodge #177, F&AM, Binghamton, NY, in September of 1977. He served through the line and was elected Master in 1982. He served as a director and president of the Masonic Youth Foundation of New York. He was commissioned as the Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Austria near the Grand Lodge of New York in September of 2000.
I really wanted to be there this year, but it wasn't in the budget for me this time.
The Grand Priory of the Reformed and Rectified Rite of the United States of America (CBCS), a body of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the USA, initiated 27 new members as Perfect Masters of St. Andrews, while visiting dignitaries Christian Bindewald and Pierre Noel of Belgium, and Bill Koon and Piers Vaughan looked on. Following the conferral, David Goodwin was installed as National Grand Master.
On Tuesday evening, Christian, Pierre, and John Palmer (Editor of the Knights Templar Magazine) were presented with the Knights Grand Cross, and it was announced that Michael Buckley would receive it in England.
Sir Knight Michael Johnson, the Department Commander for the Northwest, was elected Grand Captain General.
Huzzahs to David and his entire line of officers, as well as to Sir Knight William H. Koon for his extended term as Grand Master. I personally want to thank Billy for the kindness he has shown me over the last year and a half while I wrestled with my own personal health challenges. He has much from his term to be proud of.
I look forward to great things happening under Sir Knight David's leadership and his officers.
Note: I don't know the results of the drill team competition. If anyone wants to forward them to me at hodapp@aol.com I will be happy to update this entry with them.
Missouri Lodge of Research Website
The 2012 Truman Lecturer will be Clifton Truman Daniel, author, lecturer and grandson of Most Worshipful brother Harry S Truman. The lecture will be September 25th at the Holiday Inn Executive center in Columbia, MO, and costs just $20, which includes breakfast. Brethren, ladies and guests are welcome.
Shred and Dump Day
I still have an old video edit system to get rid of, with 25 pieces of electronics. It looks like a Bond super villain lair in our spare bedroom. That'll be next year.
Now, if I could only figure out how to get rid of a lawn tractor.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Emblems of Innocence and Honor: The Masonic Apron
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Adam Kendall in Burbank 9/4
The topic will be, "Building Temples or Hovels? The Importance of Preserving Masonic Material Culture"
Adam is the Curator of Collections of the Henry Wilson Coil Masonic Library & Museum at the Grand Lodge of California in San Francisco.
NOTE: Shriners are welcome to attend the business meeting from 7.30-8.15pm ALL are welcome for dinner, drinks and lecture starting at 8.30pm. The lecture is FREE and is open to all.
Please contact Simon McIlroy simon.mcilroy@gmail.com or David Williams hotdjdave@yahoo.com for reservations.
Monday, August 13, 2012
House of the Temple Vandalized
The House of the Temple plays a starring role in Dan Brown's novel The Lost Symbol.
H/T Borderstan. Photo by Luis Gomez.
Freemason Boogeymen
From NewsOn6.com:
Family members say in the weeks before the courthouse shooting, Dennehy was paranoid, delusional, and having hallucinations.
The report says Dennehy does understand the charges, but can't assist in his defense.
It says he repeatedly said that he's not crazy, but did say the Illuminati and Freemasons work for Satan and are after him.
He said he tried to have police kill him, so the Illuminati and Freemasons would leave his parents alone.
He said he was worried his trial wouldn't be fair, because the judge might be a Freemason or some of the jurors.
The psychologist recommended Dennehy get treatment and said he could possibly regain competency to stand trial at a later date.
Prosecutors plan to call witnesses to show Dennehy is competent to stand trial.
The judge said the competency trial could take two or three days.
Quatuor Coronati's New Education Initiative
6.15 Welcome & Introduction by the Chairman: Yasha Beresiner
6.30 The Essence of Research Dr James Campbell
6.50 Discussion
7.30 Guidelines and Directives to Students Dr Trevor Stewart
7.50 Discussion
8.30-8.45 Close, but coffee & time for more discussion available.
6.15 Welcome by the Chairman:6.30 Selecting a Subject Prof Roger Burt
6.50 Discussion and Questions
7.15 Presentation of a Written Paper Dr John Wade
7.35 Presentation of a Verbal Paper Robert Cooper
7.55 Discussion
8.30-8.45 Close, but coffee & time for more discussion available
8.30-8.45 Close, but coffee & time for more discussion available
6.15 Welcome by Diane Clements
TO REGISTER: Contact Secretary Gordon Davie gdavie@lansdale.demon.co.uk T: 0208 460 2975
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Indiana Masonic Home Festival 9/9
Since 1947, the Indiana Masonic Home has held an annual Festival inviting and encouraging members of the Masonic and Eastern Star Family and their families to visit the Indiana Masonic Home Campus and the residents. The event is held in the late summer currently in September.
Early on, the Indiana Masonic Home Festival was known as the Indiana Masonic Home Pilgrimage. It was a ‘Homecoming’ of sorts. In recent years, the name was changed to the Indiana Masonic Home Festival. The event, in additional to wonderful festival activities, food, games, and parades, serves as an ‘open house’ to see the campus and tour the IMH buildings, cottages, duplexes and apartments. There are Craft Booths, Fraternal displays, a Food Court and Musical Entertainment. The day caps-off with the annual parade around the circle. Local units and many Shrine Units are in the parade.
During the Festival Weekend, on Saturday, the Indiana Masonic Home Open Golf Outing is held at a local golf course. This event is a fundraiser for the Masonic Home to benefit the Transportation Department and other programs for our Residents. Both events are open to the public and the community.
AASR-NMJ: "Caring For Each Other"
"Caring For Each Other," a film from the Scottish Rite Northern Masonic Jurisdiction about its Almoner's Fund.
Mullen Pass, Montana Meeting Saturday 8/18

This Saturday, August 18th is the annual Mullan Pass Histotic Lodge Meeting. The Meeting will start at 10 am, and a lunch is planned. Mullan Pass Historic Lodge No. 1862, near the Continental Divide, was the location of the first meeting of Freemasons in Montana. This year marks the 150th anniversary of the first Mullan Pass meeting.
In case of bad weather or fires, the Helena Masonic Center has been reserved as an alternate meeting location. If you need more information, or can assist with the meeting, please contact: John Thompson at jt.mansion@gmail.com or Gary Ellestad at garystringpkrmrbanjo777s@msn.com
Portland Lodge Defaced By Graffiti
An irregular lodge in Portland, Oregon was vandalized by graffiti on August 9th. The Sons of Haiti Grand Lodge building was painted with swastikas and racist messages. From KPTV in Portland.
The Sons of Haiti Grand Lodge has lodges in Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Oregon, Texas and Washington. It was founded in 1962. It is listed on the Phylaxis Society list of bogus grand lodges and is not descended from Prince Hall Freemasonry.
Regardless of jurisdiction and affiliation, this is a disgusting act of vandalism. My own lodge has been defaced with graffiti over the years, resulting in us installing surveillance cameras, along with our alarm system. At the very least, every lodge needs to have an alarm on its doors and windows.
The age in which we live. *sigh*
New Haven, CT Cigar and Scotch Night
Chamber of Reflection Coin
Coin orders are being taken by Brother Craig Brown, a recently made Master Mason at Washington #46. Requests can be made at craigbrowntattoo@gmail.com. Payments can be made to the same address via PayPal.
Widow's Son Cigar
It is part of a Civil War themed line of custom made cigars. The filler is Dominican and the wrapper will be Connecticut broadleaf.
No details yet on pricing and availability. The lodge has a Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/TheWidowsSonCigar and there is an official website for mail order sales at http://www.thewidowssoncigar.com.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Montana Grand Master Removed
The following came from a trial observer in Montana:
"Our code provides that a Grand Master must be tried for abuse of power, or unmasonic conduct if at least 5 sitting Worshipful Masters file charges with the Junior Past Grand Master. A week after our Grand Lodge Elections and Installation Grand Master Duffy appeared at the Grand Lodge Office and informed the Grand Secretary that he was removing him from office immediately. There was an announcement sent out (on orders from the Grand Master.) and after reviewing the code, and within a week of the event, 9 Sitting Worshipful Masters filed five charges of Abuse of power and unmasonic conduct with the Junior Past Grand Master. As required by code the JPGM assembled a Tribunal of himself and 4 other Past Grand Masters, served notice to the Grand Master and set the date for the trial. The trial was held on August 10th, and each side was allowed unlimited time to present their arguments. The arguments and closings actually took just over 2 hours. The Tribunal deliberated for about a half an hour and returned a verdict of guilty on all five charges. The code is specific. If found guilty of any of the charges, the only penalty is removal from office. The Grand Master was removed from office immediately. The entire trial was recorded by a certified court recorder, and transcripts will be released at some point."
I have received messages from brethren on both sides of this event, but this seems to be the most dispassionate description of events.
A document was forwarded to me concerning this action that is posted officially on the Grand Lodge of Montana website, with the statement of the MW Grand Master Thom Chisholm, dated August 25, 2012.
It can be seen at http://www.grandlodgemontana.org/forms/Grand%20Masters%20Message.pdf
New Shriner Watch from Barclay, Based on Dudley
I'm very happy with my Barclay Masonic Dudley watch. It is beautifully made and is a true conversation starter.
12 Year Old Convicted in Masonic Fire
From KEIM-TV in California:
A 12-year-old has been convicted for the fire that burned the Masonic Temple in Crescent City (California) to the ground. Because it’s a juvenile the person responsible’s name cannot be released. The 12-year-old’s conviction is for felony arson, a charge that District Attorney Jon Alexander says carries a 2, 4, or 6-year sentence. Alexander also added that the Masonic Center was an integral part of the Crescent City community, and that the juvenile needs to be punished appropriately. Sentencing is August 27th.
Thursday, August 09, 2012
Daniel Tompkins Grave Rededication October 13
This will kick off the bicentennial anniversary of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. Donations to help sponsor this event are welcome.
For more information contact the chairman of the event, Moises Gomez at gomez1rego@aol.com
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
Thank You
Author Andrew Hammer in Denver 9/22
East Denver Lodge No. 160 is a Traditional Observance Lodge.
Author Michael Halleran in Colorado 9/5
The Consistory is located at 1150 Panorama Drive, Colorado Springs, CO.
Brother Halloran is also the author of The Better Angels of Our Nature , which tells the story of Freemasonry during the Civil War.
He will also be speaking on October 23rd in Indianapolis at Lodge Vitruvian No. 767's festive board.
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
Can You Identify This?
The mystery has been solved. Read the comments. Many thanks to everyone for their help.
Sunday, August 05, 2012
Unrecognized Grand Master Killed in Detroit
According to the Phylaxis Society, they are also known as Mt. Olive Grand Lodge Ancient York Masons.
Regardless of affiliation, it is a terrible tragedy. RIP.
Saturday, August 04, 2012
Robert Cooper in Florida Sept. 8th

Saturday, September 8, 2012,
Seminar Schedule
9:30 AM – 3:00 PM 9:30 AM : Check-In
10:00 AM-10:50 AM : What is Freemasonry?
11:00 AM-11:50 AM : Count Cagliostro – The Ultimate Condemnation (Death) of a Freemason by the Church
11:50 AM—1:00 PM : Lunch
1:00 PM—1:50 PM : The Oldest Masonic Ritual in the World
2:00 PM—3:00 PM : Rosslyn Chapel and the Knights Templar – True or False? / Modern Anti-Masonry
$30 Pre-Sale $40 at the Door
Boynton Lodge No. 236, F. &A.M. 2701 Quantum Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida 33426
Master Mason-only event
Dues Card and ID required for entry
To pay by credit card online, please visit http://blerg4.eventbrite.com If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Brian Work at: brian_work@yahoo.com or 561-305-7459
Friday, August 03, 2012
'Devil Worshipping Freemasons' Targeted by 71 Year Old Nun
From the Daily Mail, "Catholic nun, 71, 'sent envelopes containing white powder' to parliamentary figures including Nick Clegg accusing them of being 'evil devil worshipping freemasons'" by Anna Edwards:
A Catholic nun is alleged to have sent six envelopes containing white powder to parliamentary figures including Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, a court heard today. The defendant, who is known as Sister Ruth Augustus, is accused of scrawling 'devil worshipping' on envelopes filled with white powder that she posted to Nick Clegg and Baroness Scotland, Harrow Crown Court was told.
The letters were intercepted, three at a time on two separate occasions, at a mail screening centre and the powder was found to be non hazardous, the court heard.
The defendant, 71, of Leyton, east London, denies six counts of hoaxes involving noxious substances or things.
Mark Kimsey, prosecuting, said Augustus accepts that she sent envelopes with letters in them but says police put the white powder in them.
Mr Kimsey said three envelopes were intercepted at a mail screening centre in east London on June 17, 2011.
A worker was checking mail at 5.30am when three envelopes raised concerns. One was addressed to Mr Clegg and on the envelope was written 'devil worshipping', 'freemason', 'sex with thirty plus women' and 'your poor Catholic wife and children'. The second was to Baroness Scotland, and had a swastika on it, and two crosses, and 'stop this evil devil worshipping'.
The third was to Baroness Kennedy, and was endorsed with a swastika, and 'stop these evil devil worshipping freemasons'.
Sister Ruth Augustus is accused of sending envelopes to Baroness Kennedy and Edward Leigh MP.
The envelopes contained a gritty substance, but it was found they had already tested negative for anthrax, and specialist police who were called in found them to be non hazardous.In a later article Sister Augustus was quoted:
The jury heard that she told interviewing officer Detective Constable Anne Adams: 'The police are run by freemasons. All the top women are in it.'I love that she's throwing a peace sign in her photo. Thanks, sister.
International Conference on the History of Freemasonry 2013
The deadline for submitting proposals for papers is July 31, 2012. Full details can be found at the conference web site, www.ichfonline.org.
Thursday, August 02, 2012
The Quarry Project
The conference will draw from both the Masonic and academic communities to provide detailed instruction on Masonic research and the editing of the results. In addition, the recommendations of a committee created to establish a set of voluntary standards for future Masonic research, writing, and editing will be introduced. Professional librarians, museum curators, and experts on display and preservation will provide practical instruction and advice on maintaining and improving Masonic historical repositories. Multiple concurrent presentations will be offered on all three days. A few success stories that will enthuse and inspire you will be mixed in along the way.
July Poll Results: Masonic Education
Poll question: Does your lodge have a regular program of speakers or education?
193 (50%)
192 (49%)
Poll closed
Speaking in Raleigh, NC Sept 8th
Freemasons and non-Freemasons alike are invited to attend this event - this is open to the public. Doors open at 7:00 PM for Refreshments, and talk begins at 7:30 PM in the Auditorium.
Where: 1520 Caswell Street Raleigh NC 27605
Cost: $15 (tickets can be purchased securely online at http://www.hiram40.org/an-evening-with-christopher-hodapp or from Hiram 40 members)
Seating is limited so tickets must be reserved in advance.
For more information or to reserve tickets, please contact Josh Lippy by email at info@Hiram40.org or call 919-656-5807
Looking forward to being there!