This photo has been flying around social media all weekend, and already the howling has begun.
Yes, I know, it looks like President Trump is holding a white lambskin Masonic apron.
(And no, former president Barack Obama is NOT one either.)
And no, it's NOT an apron, but a diplomatic envelope being delivered to the President by North Korean envoy Kim Yong Chol.
And while it's remotely possible that there is a minuscule handful of Freemasons alive in North Korea these days, it's NOT likely, and Kim Yong Chol in particular is one of the last guys on Earth who would be associated with it.
And no, it's NOT "significant" that Thomas Jefferson's photo is hanging in the background, because no, Thomas Jefferson (the THIRD President!!!) was NOT provably a Freemason — much less a 33rd degree one (however, if anybody can dig up an authentic record saying otherwise either from his days in Paris or the lodge in Charlottesville, you'll get extra green beans with your steak dinner).
Once your hat is ready, everybody sing along:
And no, it's NOT "significant" that Thomas Jefferson's photo is hanging in the background, because no, Thomas Jefferson (the THIRD President!!!) was NOT provably a Freemason — much less a 33rd degree one (however, if anybody can dig up an authentic record saying otherwise either from his days in Paris or the lodge in Charlottesville, you'll get extra green beans with your steak dinner).
But for those of you who still believe this nonsense, here you go. The generic foil works just as good as the expensive Reynolds Wrap.
Hahaha, funny. A mysterious Canadian sent me one of those foil caps. Still have it somewhere.
ReplyDeleteFor those interested, President Ford was the last Masonic President we have had and President Reagan was an honorary member of the Scottish Rite. President Clinton was a Demolay member. Both Presidents Bush are members (alumni) of Yale's Skull and Bones. During the 90's, Prince Hall Masonry in South Korea was very strong and several good South Korean men were Prince Hall Masons.
Honedtly Chris, the article title was enough! Seriously, it had the requisite information and humor!
ReplyDeleteThomas Jefferson once marched in a Masonic funeral. Ronald Reagan accepted a framed certificate making him an honorary Scottish Rite Mason. Lincoln allegedly was thinking of joining but events intervened. One could collect all this into a book -- famous men who didn't know they were Masons. More seriously, the claims made for Winston Churchill, Prince Phillip and other worthies who paid some dues but were uninvolved underscore the desperate attempts to claim relevance. The truth is that we long ago lost the prestige that would bring in men of prominence. A majority of the grand masters are very routine chaps, for whom the affairs of lodge are the biggest job they have ever had.
ReplyDeleteHonorary brother. I think not. I'm sorry you know aswell as aby other brother. Honorary is not something we do. It's 1 2 and three or nothing at all.
DeleteWellll... 'Honorary' IS something we do, in some jurisdictions. Masonry has LOTS of 'honorary' positions, depending on the powers accorded to grand masters and leeways granted to individual lodges. I'm an honorary member of African Lodge 459 in Boston, Goose and Gridiron Lodge in Ohio, and a half-dozen Indiana lodges, just to name a few. I'm also an honorary member of the Grand Lodge of New Mexico. But none of those honorifics carry any sort of rights or privileges within the fraternity.
DeleteOn February 11, 1988, the Grand Master of Washington, D.C. presented President Ronald Reagan with a "Certificate of Honor". Both the Scottish Rite Northern and Southern jurisdictions presented him with a similar certificate, as did the Shriners, and they named him an "honorary member" (which confers no degrees and has no serious Masonic standing). But all of these were merely documents citing his commitment to charity, fortitude, temperance and prudence, and thanking him for his public service.
Suuuure. Like we're supposed to believe you? And as everybody knows, you need a triple layer of foil to block the new ultra-high frequency MK-ULTRA beams those reptilian NSA goons are supplying to the Queen of England. Trust me I'm a doctor.
ReplyDeleteDr Martin Luthet King jr was said to be interested in joining and was in process to do so. Prince Hall masons provided support of sorts during his civil rights work. He was assassinated before he was able to initiate his first degree..
DeleteThe rumors about Obama started when he was running for POTUS, and he spoke at a Scottish Rite building, which was the largest building in the town to handle the crowd. Also he's seen at some point, most likely when he was a senator, shaking hands with a Prince Hall Shriner. Amazing what imaginations people have and at the same time so little information to go on.
ReplyDeleteTin foil and aluminum foil are (forgive the pun) old hat. The latest in anti-thought control helmets is Velostat plastic, the same anti-static stuff they ship circuit board in.
ReplyDeleteThank you for making this post! I never knew about this photo until now, but I did know that Donald Trump is certainly a Freemason. This is just more evidence for my collection, thank you!
You have proof that he is? I am trying to find out if he is or not so far I have not found any facts to verify this rumor. If you could help that would be great.
DeleteRemeber the oath, as they say!
DeleteHe's doing the "okay" or 666 symbol with both hands as he holds the apron lmfao. It just not a natural way to hold that thing. I've been researching this for a long time. Hes been the hardest cookie to crumble. But I'm sure now, and even believe he may be the Antichrist. I had hoped not. But only the hand of God can stop what's in motion now.
ReplyDeleteYou sir are an idiot.
DeleteStop with the tin foil hat remarks. This is a very condescending blog, and you have no proof that Trump and Obama aren’t part of a secret society, especially since they’ve been throwing up Masonic signs and symbols their whole career (ie: Trump throwing up the 666 hand gesture every time he talks.) The reason people believe in this (and they should) is because our movies, tv shows, news, music, and world is filled with so much occult symbolism and programming it’s bizarre that so many people haven’t caught on yet. Now in 2022 the world is being pushed towards a one world order with the threat of COVID and world war 3, and broke douchebag Freemasons like you want to keep defending this Illuminati shit and treat everyone like they’re crazy for seeing things for how they really are. So when you snootily claim that Trump and Obama aren’t masons, you’re wrong. Masons, DeMoley, Skull and Bones, Order of The Eastern Star, Jesuits, Illuminati, are all the same thing. You know why? They all worship the occult, and are all networking together to usher in a new world order. I think it’s cute when a mason writes an article or blog trying to debunk conspiracy’s that their own organization is responsible for. Either you’re covering up for something or your organization is keeping secrets from you. I don’t think masons are as smart or clever as they try to lead on, and this blog article is a good example of that. (Btw, we all have several pictures and videos of Trump and Obama doing occult bullshit when your blog article has ZERO SOURCES OR EXAMPLES TO BACK UP YOUR CLAIMS LOL.) What a joke of an organization, or shall I say: cult. Fuck freemasonry and fuck the new world order.
ReplyDeleteYes, yes, we know. It's all such a BIG secret that EVERYBODY knows about it. Just keep rolling your eyes up into your head. Maybe you’ll find your brain back there.
DeleteNever ceases to amaze me how non-Masons are so much *smarter* and know so much *more* about Freemasonry than any actual members of the fraternity.
well yeah you guys are like dumb little dupes that just get given little drips and drabs, you dont know what its about until the last 3 degrees, most of you dont even make it past the profane lodge
DeleteAlbert Pike and Aliester Crowley admitted free masonry is Luciferianism at its core. Repent and trust in Jesus ya sick f****
ReplyDeleteThat’s an ignorant lie. Neither man ever said or wrote such a claim, and I defy you to actually cite the books and page numbers where you can find them. Don’t cite bogus internet quotes or claims from other anti-Masonic sources. Find the actual books where you think they appear. You’ll have a long search, because they don’t exist.
DeleteClearly says it in morals and dogma, talks about how awesome Lucifer is, how pure Lucifer is, are you actually trying to deny that the faith of the Free Masons is not Gnostic at its core, what kind of bs is this?
DeleteThe hell it is, free masonry is obviously gnostic trash, are you claiming Gnosticism is not luciferianism and have you not read Morals and Dogma wtf are you talking about
DeleteSo you and other free masons do not believe that Lucifer using his agent Satan set man free from the bounds of slavery in the "garden of eden". You do not worship the "divine intellect" you do not worship the "Sun" with a capital S in reference to Lucifer the Morning Star?
DeleteNo, we don't.
DeleteNo, we don't.
And no, we don't.
We don't teach it, we don't believe it, and I defy you to find any Masonic literature actually written by a Freemason that seriously states anything of the kind. I don't know what your sources are, but you're stating nonsense.
Oh, I guess it's "The Internet."
And it's clear that you haven't actually read Morals & Dogma, only misquotes from an internet source. Pike was commenting on the bizarre irony of the Latin word for 'bringer of light' getting attached to the figure that came to be known as Prince of Darkness. He was making an etymology point, not an ecclesiastical one. He was also a plagiarist - that paragraph was actually a translation from a book by French author Eliphas Levi, which Pike didn't bother to cite in his text. But nowhere else in Morals & Dogma will you find the word 'Lucifer' apart from that one line. Pike isn't advocating 'worship' of Lucifer, and the name Lucifer never appears in ANY Masonic rituals, in the Blue Lodge, the Scottish Rite, the York Rite, or any other appendant organization.
DeleteBy the way, Lucifer does not appear in the King James Version of the Bible (the version favored by Pike at the time he was writing) anywhere except in Isaiah 14:12, in this passage: "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" If you actually read the entirety of Isaiah 14 for yourself, you'll see it is actually describing a once beneficent king in Persia who turned wicked and fell from grace. Nowhere in the Bible is 'Lucifer' used as a name or description of Satan. Only lazy readers who don't bother to actually read and comprehend the Bible think 'Lucifer' was a name for Satan. John Milton went on to compound the error in his work, Paradise Lost where he uses Lucifer and Satan interchangeably. If you look up Isaiah in newer Biblical translations, you'll see that modern scholars don't even include the word Lucifer in the Bible because of the longstanding confusion over the centuries.