"To preserve the reputation of the Fraternity unsullied must be your constant care."


Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Speaking Online at Lexington Lodge No. 1 on Monday 5/11

by Christopher Hodapp

Kentucky's Lexington Lodge No. 1 and their Rubicon Masonic Society are not letting the COVID-19 Wuhan virus shutdown deter them from having weekly Masonic gatherings. Each Monday through July, they are hosting Masonic speakers, presentations and discussions via ZOOM as a ten-part Masonic education series. 

I was remiss in posting an announcement that last night's featured speaker was New York's Junior Grand Warden, Dr. Oscar Alleyne discussing the coronavirus, what Masons have been doing doing the shutdown, and what they COULD be doing. 

However, next Monday, May 11th, I will be their featured guest. 

On May 18th, Lexington will be hosting Dr. S. Brent Morris, author of numerous books and editor of the Scottish Rite Journal (SJ) and Heredom, the Scottish Rite Research Society's annual collection of papers. And on May 25th will be WB Andrew Hammer, author of Observing the Craft.

Lexington Lodge's rules for their online gatherings are a little more demanding than most you might have been experiencing during the shutdown. Just because you are in your living room or basement doesn't mean you shouldn't be in the mindset of being in a lodge room. So, their requested on-screen attire is coat and tie, and gentlemanly manners are to be expected during their online meetings. No onscreen drinking, smoking, or foul language will be permitted. Attendees may be removed if not following protocol. 
  • These will be virtual education meetings, and are NOT a substitute for lodge or regularly stated Masonic meetings.
  • These are NOT Tyled meetings.
  • Masons of all degrees anywhere are welcome to attend.
  • Men interested in Freemasonry may attend as long as they are being recommended (vouched for) by a fellow Freemason from a lodge they are considing joining. 
  • The Master of Lexington Lodge No. 1 and Chairman of the Rubicon Masonic Society, Brian Evans will serve as the meetings host. The Past Master of Lexington Lodge No. 1 and Vice Chairman of the Rubicon Masonic Society, John W. Bizzack will serve as the co-host. 
  • There will be live question/answer/discussion period following the presentation in which all may participate.
Many thanks to WB John Bizzack, Past Master of Lexington Lodge, for inviting me to participate.

H/T: Thanks to Dave Hosler for the photo

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