Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Illus. Bros. Morris & DeHoyos Speaking In DC
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Los Angeles Scottish Rite Cathedral
Have a look here.
The Scottish Rite Masonic Temple on Wilshire is probably the most mysterious Millard Sheets building (and one of the more mysterious in LA). It's been on and off the market for years (currently seems to be off), and seems pretty hard to get inside--when we called to ask about a tour, we were told that we'd need a city permit to visit. According to a 1994 LA Times article, the building "housed National Guard troops during the 1992 riots and has been used for funerals of police officers." Who knows what secrets this place holds? Masons, obviously, are known for being pretty secretive. Either way, the building is super cool; we'll let Sheets tell you the story of what it is and how it got there...Be sure to look through the photos. It's a magnificent building, with a very uncertain future. It has long been the subject of a battle with the neighborhood over parking, which limits its future use to a potential buyer. It's prime real estate, which probably means a wrecking ball is its fate.
NASCAR Model Benefits Shriners Hospitals
GL of Indiana Trip To Washington DC
Four (4) days left to make reservations for the Grand Lodge Bus Trip to the Washington DC area. Depart Thursday Oct 25, 2012 at 8 AM from the Marriott at 21st and Shadeland. We will arrive in Alexandria, VA for dinner near the Court Yard by Marriott across the street from The George Washington Memorial where your room will look out at the GW for your stay Thursday evening Friday, Saturday departing Sunday morning.
Friday we will visit and lay a wreath at George Washington's tomb, tour the Grist Mill and Distillery at Mt. Vernon. That evening is dinner in the George Washington Memorial after which a personal tour and visit the top where we will view the lights of Alexandria and Washington DC.
Saturday we will visit and lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns, and visit the National Cathedral before lunch. We will then visit the Mall where we will visit FDR's Memorial, the Vietnam, WWII, and Korean War Memorials. Return to the hotel where we will eat at a restaurant near the hotel.
The cost is $1,000.00 per couple or $750.00 for singles. Included in the price are the following: the bus, snacks, hotel, breakfast each day at the hotel, Friday, Mt. Vernon tours and lunch, George Washington Memorial tours and dinner in the GW. Saturday all tours are included, lunch at the Mall and dinner are at your expense. Questions or reservations: Please contact Irv Bitting by Sunday evening September 23 at 219-789-5231.
George A. Ingles, Jr.
Grand Master
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Veritas Chapter No. 103 R.A.M. Chapter Penny
Thursday, September 13, 2012
GLNF Elects New GM; UGLE Yanks Recognition
The GLNF has lost nearly a third of its membership over the Stifani flap, and the majority of the world's grand lodges have yanked recognition of the grand lodge, leaving France without a regular, recognized branch of Masonry for the majority of brethren.
Pennsylvania Academy of Masonic Knowledge 10/27

The Speakers for the day are:
• Brother Alton G. Roundtree, Past Master of Redemption Lodge No. 24 PHA (District of Columbia) and coauthor of Out of the Shadows: The Emergence of Prince Hall Freemasonry in America.
• Brother Andrew Hammer, Past Master of Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22 (Virginia) and author of Observing the Craft: The Pursuit of Excellence in Masonic Labour and Observance.
The great objective in Freemasonry is to gain useful knowledge, and the Academy provides a great opportunity for the Brethren to learn and to understand more about the significance of the Craft. Plan to attend and bring a Brother or two along with you. Pre-registration is required. To pre-register, e-mail Brother Shawn D'Ignazio at with your name, address, Lodge number, and telephone.
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Grand Lodge of Sweden
In 1756, Carl Fredrik Eckleff together with six Brethren formed the Scottish Lodge L’Innocente in Stockholm, working in so called Scottish St Andrew´s degrees. The next step in the development of Swedish Freemasonry was taken by Eckleff in 1759, when he established a Grand Chapter in Stockholm. Eckleff who was an employee of the Swedish Foreign Office, held a foreign patent authorizing him to form Lodges. It has not been possible to ascertain the date and place of origin of the patent and of the rituals. The Grand Lodge of Sweden was established in 1760.Eckleff moulded a Freemasonry system on a Christian basis. The moral philosophy of the Swedish Rite was further developed by Duke Carl, later King Carl XIII, who succeeded to Eckleff as the Swedish Masonic leader. By two major ritual revisions in 1780 and 1800 he created a logical Masonic system with ten degrees. The Rite is truly progressive and continuous. Each degree leads to the next and each sums up the contents of the preceding degrees.
Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Adam Kendall in Burbank
The topic will be, "Building Temples or Hovels? The Importance of Preserving Masonic Material Culture"
NOTE: Shiners are welcome to attend the business meeting from 7.30-8.15pm ALL are welcome for dinner, drinks and lecture starting at 8.30pm. The lecture is FREE and is open to all, and will be Adam's only scheduled SoCAL date for the remainder of 2012.
Adam Kendall is the Curator of Collections for the Henry Wilson Coil Library & Museum of Freemasonry for the Grand Lodge of F. & A.M. of California.
Please contact Simon McIlroy or David Williams for reservations.
Monday, September 03, 2012
Vitruvius and the Master Mason’s Secret
On Saturday, September 15th, the Maine Masonic College will offer a class entitled, “Vitruvius and the Master Mason’s Secret.” Who or what, you may ask, is Vitruvius? Vitruvius was an architect—indeed, you may say the architect at the time of Julius Caesar. The class is to be held at HARWOOD Lodge in Machias. It will begin at 10:00 a.m. on September 15th and will end at 2:00 p.m. A light lunch will be served at a cost of $5.00. Please drop a line to to insure proper arrangements can be made for lunch. If you have not attended one of the Maine Masonic College’s classes, you will probably find this to be an excellent introduction to the work of the College.
Sunday, September 02, 2012
Michael Poll Still in the Dark
Next Saturday in Raleigh, NC
Freemasons and non-Freemasons alike are invited to attend this event - this is open to the public. Doors open at 7:00 PM for Refreshments, and talk begins at 7:30 PM in the Auditorium.
Where: 1520 Caswell Street Raleigh NC 27605
Cost: $15 (tickets can be purchased securely online at or from Hiram No. 40 members)
Seating is limited so tickets must be reserved in advance.
For more information or to reserve tickets, please contact Josh Lippy by email at or call 919-656-5807
Looking forward to being there!
Saturday, September 01, 2012
August Poll Results: Appendant Bodies
Royal Arch
230 (15%)
Cryptic Council
33 (2%)
Knights Templar
317 (20%)
Scottish Rite
525 (34%)
Allied Masonic Degrees
49 (3%)
177 (11%)
31 (2%)
Order of the Eastern Star
40 (2%)
Tall Cedars
10 (0%)
Widows Sons
56 (3%)
63 (4%)
Poll closed. Thanks for voting.