The Masonic Society
Semi-Annual Meeting, Indianapolis
Starts 9 AM Eastern Time and concludes after the Banquet
Indiana Freemasons' Hall, 525 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis, Indiana
Theme and Program
"Rededicating the Craft"
Program includes:
• Charles Marlowe, Grand Master of Indiana - Keynote Address
• Chris Hodapp – discussion of the “Dan Brown Effect”
• Jeffrey Naylor – The Gentleman Mason
• Mark Tabbert – The George Washington Masonic Memorial and electronic records for researchers
• Roger VanGorden – All Masonry is Local
• Jose Diaz – Notes on teaching the Craft: The Millennials’ view of American Freemasonry
• George Haynes – Working the Plan: Lodge Models and Model Lodges
• Chris Hodapp – Reviving a failing lodge
Other presentations are in the works. If you wish to make a presentation please contact Jay Hochberg as soon as possible at articles@themasonicsociety.com
Plus, tours of the 100-year-old Indiana Freemasons’ Hall and the Indianapolis Scottish Rite Cathedral, the largest of its kind in the world.
Event Registration: $65, includes luncheon and banquet. Both members of the Society and non-members are welcome to register and attend. Be sure to invite the brethren of your lodge! Your Lady or Other Guest may attend the conference and banquet for an additional $65 per person.
Hotel Accommodations: The Society has arranged for a limited number of rooms at the Hilton Garden Inn Indianapolis Downtown, which is about seven blocks from Indiana Freemasons' Hall. We have negotiated a rate of $109/night for Friday, October 23, 2009 and Saturday, October 24, 2009 (with checkout on Sunday, October 25, 2009). NOTE: If you plan to stay in the hotel, please reserve early as there is a large convention in Downtown Indianapolis the same weekend of our meeting. 9. We cannot guarantee any room availability at this time. There is a link to the hotel on the Semi-Annual Meeting page on our web site. Alternately, you may call the hotel directly at 317-405-5709 and use the group name "The Masonic Society" and group code "TMS".
To make reservations, see the official Semi-Annual meeting webpage.
Please make reservations as soon as possible!
See you in Indianapolis!
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