It just so happens that this also marks the bicentennial of the birth of Abraham Lincoln and there will be loads of Lincoln-related activities in Springfield to attend.
Registration is just $50, and rooms at the host hotel are $94.
4° - Master Traveler
14° - Grand Elect Mason
16° - Prince of Jerusalem
18° - Knight of Rose Croix
32° - Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret
of pipe-smokers that is bound together by a shared love for pipe-smoking, mutual respect, and goodwill • We envision a society that respects the informed choice and adult use of smoking tobacco • We envision a world where governments act in good faith and integrity, and have the political will and personal courage to express their values appropriately through legislative means • This means that as a group we are united and strong in our beliefs, have understanding, patience, wisdom, enjoy the philosophical aspect of pipe-smoking, and seek to promote pipe-smoking as part of a lifestyle that can be thoroughly enjoyable to adults through the responsible use of tobacco.
To foster links across the globe in honor of friendship, benevolence, and tranquility; and to celebrate the fraternity of pipe-smokers across all borders.
On this day we will take a breather and celebrate the noble art of pipe-smoking and the noble spirit which pervades the brother/sisterhood of the briar. We will put into practice the time-honored and ancestral traditions of raising our pipes in toast to each other in the evening in unison and, thus, share a bowl together.
Today’s hectic environment almost dictates that we run on full efficiency, have total involvement in our work, our families and in every aspect of what we do to survive and achieve in a world set at high speed.• With ever-changing values it is the intent that The International Pipe-Smoking Day will allow us, the Brothers and Sisters of the Briar to step back and appreciate our rich historical value. • For pipe-smokers and pipe-smoking everywhere the day will be emblematic of our shared values, history, traditions, and aspirations.
February 18, 2009
Brethren All:
Our Most Worshipful Brother Kwame Acquaah, Grand Master of Masons of the District of Columbia, has contacted me from the Conference of Grand Masters and Grand Secretaries in North America (taking place this week in Anaheim, California) and requested that I announce to you on his behalf this happy news:
The Grand Lodge, F. & A.M of the State of New York has announced this morning that it has renewed recognition of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia. A joint statement issued today by our Grand Lodge and the Grand Lodge of New York at the Conference of Grand Masters and Grand Secretaries in North America, confirmed that the issues between the two Grand Lodges have been resolved and amity restored. MWB Acquaah greatly appreciates the cordial and amicable manner in which this matter was handled between our Grand Lodge and the Grand Lodge of New York. The Grand Master prays that the bonds of fraternal affection between our two Grand Lodges will continue until time is no more.
The Grand Master is also happy to announce that MWB Thomas M. Velvin, Jr., Grand Master of Masons of Maryland, has ordered the immediate resumption of the processing of requests for jurisdictional waivers from our Grand Lodge. Grand Master Acquaah is thankful and appreciative of the cooperative manner in which the Grand Master of Masons of Maryland worked to facilitate resolution of this matter.
The Grand Master would like everyone to know that he is grateful and most appreciative for the patience and understanding of all DC Freemasons during the past several weeks.
Our Grand Master respectfully invites as many of you as are able to join him at 7:00 pm this Friday, February 20th at the Scottish Rite Center on the occasion of our Grand Lodge Founders' Day. Please register by email at grandlodge@dcgrandlodge.org before 12:00 noon on Thursday, February 19th. Most Worshipful Brother Acquaah looks forward to seeing and sharing fellowship with you on this very joyous occasion.
Walter R. Hoenes, P.M.
Assistant to the Grand Secretary
Free and Accepted Masons of the Nation's Capital
February 19, 2009
Dear Brethren:
Be It Known that at the Conference of Grand Masters and Grand Secretaries of North America, held from February 14 through February 18, 2009, the Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of the State of New York and the Grand Lodge F.A.&A.M. of the District of Columbia entered into discussions concerning the resumption of fraternal relations between our two esteemed Grand Lodges.
Therefore as a result of these cordial and amicable discussions, our differences were resolved contingent upon further deliberations to follow with explicit regard to the fraternal relations and future intercourse appertaining to District Grand Lodge of Syria - Lebanon, the Lodges in Lebanon warranted by the Grand Lodge of Scotland, and the Lodge in Lebanon warranted by the Grand Lodge F.A.&A.M. of the District of Columbia.
In good faith and with this understanding, the Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of the State of New York restored Full Masonic Relations and Mutual Recognition with the Grand Lodge F.A.&A.M. of the District of Columbia effective February 18, 2009.
Witness my hand and private seal the day and year first above written.
Edward G. Gilbert
Grand Master
When a former prime minister reads "Freemasonry for Dummies"
Since the president of Senegal was recognized (or "confessed") to have been a Freemason, the web and Sénégalais newspapers do not intervene in this matter.
Browsing Walfadjri one can read an article: Macky Sall: "I will never be a Freemason". Apparently, Macky Sall, Prime Minister, was accused of being a Freemason. He was claimed to have been seen on an airplane reading a book about Freemasonry. The leader emphasized that the work in question, 'Freemasonry for Dummies' is an explanation for those who know nothing of the topic.
He kept repeating that he had "never had relations with Freemasonry or any secret society or cult. I've never been a Freemason, am not, nor ever will be. My one and only way was, is and will always be the belief in Almighty Allah and the precepts laid down by the prophet Mohamed, peace upon him."
La Franc-maçonnerie pour les Nuls (Freemasonry For Dummies) by Philippe Benhamou and Christopher Hodapp (First Version Pocket, 2008) is available at Amazon.fr and La Cale Sèche
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Senegalese president Abdoulaye Wade |
In a note sent to the French publication, the Senegalese president denied being a member anymore.Wade's letter was reprinted on the Pressafrik website and says he left the lodge in 1959, after failing to find "intellectual exchanges of a high level."
He said he resigned long ago. But he also openly admitted that he had been a member of a freemason movement in the past, out of “intellectual curiosity”, thus generating more controversy in the country where freemasons, rightly or wrongly, are viewed as a sect opposed to God’s supremacy.
In his answer to the article accusing him of being a freemason, Mr Wade wrote “It’s true, but I have to specify that I am not a ‘dormant mason’. I was deprived of my membership after a voluntary resignation.”
Following the revelations, one Member of Parliament, Imam Mbaye Niang, who defends Islamic views said the president should resign.
The allegiance of francophone heads of state to freemason movements is a matter of great speculation here and a subject that comes up in the media every now and then.
According to l’Express, only the Gabonese president El Hadji Omar Bongo Ondimba openly admits his belonging to freemasonry while many other leaders in West and Central Africa are reported to be active but “hidden” members.
Ron Howard tells ET that The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons author Dan Brown has completed a third book featuring Professor Robert Langdon.
Director Ron Howard tells ET's Mark Steines that Dan is very excited about the book. Ron tells ET that he has not had the chance to read it yet, but tells us he can't wait to do so.
Internet rumors have swirled that the new book will be titled The Solomon Key and will take Robert Langdon to Washington, D.C. and focus on the Freemasons.