My proof copy of Solomon's Builders: Freemasons, Founding Fathers and the Secrets of Washington D.C. arrived last week, and it starts shipping in the next few days. I'm trying to get copies to take to two events in the next couple of weeks, and the California publisher tells me yesterday that the distribution warehouse is in Indianapolis. So how come my Indianapolis publisher's warehouse is in Virginia?
Just asking.
The new website is up at http://www.solomonsbuilders.net
Speaking of Washington D.C., Alice, Wiley and I will be attending Masonic Week at the Hotel Washington in February. This may be the last one at this venue, bringing an era to an end.
Amazon says they shipped mine (pre-ordered since October) on January 3, and according to the post office, it arrived there this morning. So I assume it will be here either today or tomorrow.
ReplyDelete...and it's here.
ReplyDeleteVery nice.
Want proof that Scottish Rite Masons rule the world? I just picked up several cases of the book today at the biggest warehouse I've ever been in. Most books come in cases of 20 or 30.
ReplyDeleteSolomon's Builders comes in case lots of "33."