Many thanks to the kind brethren of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Valley of Cincinnati and their warm welcome yesterday at their "Rite reps" meeting. It was great to meet so many brothers and new friends. It was especially good to see Most Worshipful Brother Michael Himes, Grand Master of Ohio, again. GM Himes took me on a whirlwind tour of the Cincinnati Masonic center, showing me their beautiful auditorium and their unique and magnificent lodge rooms. If you get the chance, be sure to visit a lodge there. They have an outstanding, well-maintained and beautiful building of which they are justifiable proud. Thanks Mike.
I had an unusual thing happen after giving my speech. As I was signing books afterwards, Brother Vic T. came up to me and (I'm paraphrasing here) basically said, 'your speech was great, but all you did was tell us what NOT to do. How do you do things to actually make lodges better?" So, the brethren allowed me to stand up during lunch and throw out ideas that worked for us at Broad Ripple Lodge, along with our philosophy at Lodge Vitruvian.
Maybe they can work for you. Thanks, Vic.