In an edict issued on Monday, MW Michael Dale, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Arizona, cut off the Masonic-related youth group DeMolay International from Arizona Freemasonry. (Click the image above to enlarge)
The edict reads as follows:
Due to the Grand Master's and the Arizona DeMolay State Association's loss of faith and trust in DeMolay International and the Arizona DeMolay Foundation, effective as of this date, no Mason under the jurisdiction of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona will be a part of, participate in or sponsor any part of DeMolay International, the Arizona DeMolay Foundation or the Arizona DeMolay State Association or any other DeMolay associated organization.This story will be updated as more information becomes available.
Given the number of Masons who have been involved in Demolay over many years, this presents all kinds of complications. Unfortunately in addition to our membership decline because of demographics and changing interests, we compound the problems with a depressing number of incidents such as furor over offices and litigations aplenty. In the final analysis, we have a grave leadership crisis.