"To preserve the reputation of the Fraternity unsullied must be your constant care."


Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Scottish Press Tries To Make A Masonic Scandal Out of GM's Resignation

by Christopher Hodapp

When Joe Morrow, former two-time Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, completely resigned from the fraternity 'for personal reasons' back on September 17th, the silence as to why he really did so left a wide-open field for speculation. Over the weekend, the Scottish press finally got around to purportedly blowing the whole story wide open, and it landed with a resounding thud. (The story originated in the Scottish Sun by Jennifer Jones: "LODGE COMPLAINT: The real reason Scots freemasons chief quit organisation for good after pledging to modernise ‘the craft")

The Reverend Canon Dr. Joseph Morrow first served as Grand Master of Scotland in 2004, but resigned before completing his term. Two decades later, he was elected to the Grand East again, vowing to 'modernize' the fraternity and make it 'more transparent.' But he once again resigned this year before completing his term of office, and announced this time that he was completely withdrawing from the fraternity.

The widely syndicated and reprinted article from November 3rd turned out to be yet another non-story about Masons from the UK press. Start off by mentioning ‘arcane rituals, lurid oaths and dodgy handshakes,’ then spend 20 paragraphs to eventually admit Morrow probably pissed off all of his committee heads ‘pointing out all their deficiencies’ and demanding a bunch of (unexplained) changes, right before leaving the country.*

But the article never does REALLY explain his resignation this time. An unnamed source claims the Grand Lodge sought a replacement for him before he went to Asia, but the GL says that’s not true, that they sought a replacement only AFTER he left on his trip and resigned. 

It's not like Morrow has a shortage of honors and public notice. In addition to being an Episcopalian priest, Morrow is the current Lord Lyon, King of Arms, the head of Scotland's heraldry court,. That body issues new coats of arms to people, companies or organizations, and makes decisions on the proper or improper use of them, and Dr. Morrow has the last word. (Misuse of coats of arms is actually a criminal offense in Scotland.) He also took part in the coronation of King Charles III and Camilla in 2023.

The story DOES take careful pains to also reveal Morrow is gay and that he was originally outed by a snickering press during his FIRST stint as Grand Master 20 years ago – a story that the Scottish papers gladly and gleefully covered back in 2004. The story goes on to speculate without any shred of evidence that his resignation this time was possibly engineered by a group of anti-gay members who muscled him out the last time. 

But there's no proof. No conclusion. Certainly no scandalous revelation. And certainly no reason whatsoever for a 96pt headline and a 4-column article that got reprinted in several papers, including the Times of London. Just one more opportunity to take a swipe at the Masons without a reason.

That equals no story, in my book. 

*Ms. Jones does get an extra point for NOT using the term 'rolled-up trouser leg' anywhere in the article.


  1. You are certainly true to your strapline sir. Good on you!

  2. Love live Scotland !

  3. On its face, I think this is at least a very significant story. Here is a sitting Grand Master, on his second term, having had a short-lived first term 20 years ago, undoubtedly due to being the victim of a then ‘palace coup’; resigning yet again, not only from his duties as Grand Master, but this time from Freemasonry entirely. A man who shortly before becoming Grand Master again, had completed a full, and apparently successful five year commission, as First Grand Principal (head) of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland. He and his immediate predecessor as GM effectively switched rolls in what some saw-—rightly or wrongly—as a quid pro quo. The IPMWGMM is now First Grand Principal of the SGRACS.
    Whether this has anything to do with the UK press is questionable—although we do like heartwarming stories about our charities being published don’t we?
    There are finite reasons as to why a Grand Master would take this huge and irrevocable action. Are dues paying brethren not entitled to the unvarnished truth? Perhaps not. As they say, it might come out in the wash!

  4. This must be very hurtful for Morrow’s predecessor who, along with his cronies, was largely instrumental in bringing Morrow back in from the cold—so to speak—bringing him back into high office as First Grand Principal of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland. That particular cabal (who have held sway for some years now) were very much against what happened to Morrow 20 years ago.

    On the coincident expiry of their respective terms as Grand Master and First Grand Principal, Morrow and his sponsor swapped top jobs, despite the fact the new First Grand Principal had never presided in the chair of any royal arch chapter (any historical precedent here probably involved royalty).

    These circumstances speak volumes.
    Scotland is ruled by narcissists (probably malignant) with egos the size of planets, who really do believe they are G-d’s own personal gift to Freemasonry.
    If I can borrow from the title of a well-known tome: “Snakes in Suits!” (Harper & Collins:2007).

  5. Following the demise of Morrow, his immediate predecessor Ramsay McGhee reassumes the role of Grand Master for a stopgap year. McGhee only recently succeeded Morrow as First Grand Principal of The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland—so he is in for a busy period. Alexander Moncrieff returns to Grand Lodge as McGhee’s Depute. Moncrieff will almost certainly commence a five year commission as Grand Master in 2025. He has been touted for the role for years. Moncrieff is likeable and will probably prove less radically inclined as Morrow hoped to be. As a landed proprietor he is very well-connected, and will be a return to the traditional style of Scottish Grand Master. He is also very closely aligned to Grand Secretary Semple, and other members of the present ruling cabal.
    They will be hoping for greater stability moving forward, as during his first term, McGhee lost a Depute Grand Master and a Grand Secretary, and most recently of course, his cabal lost a Grand Master. All of which hints at skullduggery, carelessness, or ineptitude at the heart of Scottish Freemasonry in George Street, Edinburgh.


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