"To preserve the reputation of the Fraternity unsullied must be your constant care."


Monday, September 16, 2024

Endangered Masonic Halls: Author Will Moore To Speak in Indianapolis October 15

Photo: Indiana Landmarks

by Christopher Hodapp

On Tuesday, October 15th, Indiana Landmarks will be presenting a program, Understanding Masonic Temples, featuring guest speaker Will D. Moore, author of the 2006 book Masonic Temples: Freemasonry, Ritual Architecture and Masculine Archetypes.

Last month, Indiana Landmarks released its annual listing of the Ten Most Endangered Buildings in Indiana — historic structures in our state on the brink of extinction that are too historically, architecturally, and culturally important to lose without a fight. Plenty of states have these sorts of historic preservation organizations that do what they can to call attention to the plight of neglected buildings with the hope of rescuing them. Sadly, individual Masonic temples often make these lists as our membership shrinks and our once magnificent buildings slip away. For the second year in a row, the Indiana list includes the entire category of Masonic and fraternal temples, in general.

One especially endangered hall this year is the Prince Hall Masonic Temple at 22nd Street and Central Avenue in Indianapolis (photo above), originally built by Oriental Lodge 500 of the Grand Lodge F&AM of Indiana. I wrote about this temple back in 2017, and it remains a true gem of fraternal architecture. Prince Hall Masons bought it from Oriental Lodge in 1983, and it became home to several lodges, Eastern Star chapters, and appendant groups. But 40 years after they took ownership, the cost of operating, maintaining and preserving the place has taken its toll on their treasury. Gentrification of the surrounding neighborhood has made area property values soar, and as architecturally and culturally valuable as this temple may be, it’s highly probable that the land it sits on is far more valuable than the building itself. And its listing on the National Register of Historic Places won’t save it, especially since the present Temple Association is publicly saying they want to sell it and build a new, smaller, more modern lodge hall.

In connection with Indiana Landmarks’ listing fraternal meeting places again this year, the organization will be hosting Will Moore’s presentation, an illustrated talk on the history of Masonic architecture and fraternal practices. For the increasing percentage of our population who have no understanding, knowledge, or familiarity of just what 'fraternal groups' are and how important they've been in America, Will's talk will be a crash course in the subject.

If you are here in central Indiana, the event will be held at the Indiana Landmarks Center auditorium at 1201 N. Central Avenue in Indianapolis (which is itself a magnificently restored and repurposed Romanesque Methodist church building). There is no charge for attending. 

If you’re not in our immediate vicinity, it will also be broadcast as free a Zoom program.

As we consider the endangered status of these community landmarks, William Moore, associate professor at Boston University, presents an illustrated talk on Masonic architectural spaces and fraternal practices including those of Blue Lodge Freemasonry, the Knights Templar, the Scottish Rite, and the Mystic Shrine.

An interdisciplinary American Studies scholar, William D. Moore holds a joint appointment at Boston University in the Department of History of Art & Architecture and the American & New England Studies Program, specializing in material culture, the built environment, and cultural history. Among other publications, he is the author of Masonic Temples: Freemasonry, Ritual Architecture, and Masculine Archetypes (University of Tennessee Press, 2006) and, earlier in his career, served as the director of the Livingston Masonic Library & Museum at the Masonic Grand Lodge of New York in New York City.

Sponsored by the Cornelius O’Brien Lecture Series Concerning Historic Preservation. Free and open to the public.

Reserve your spot to attend in person or online by using the form below, visiting MasonicTemplesTalk.eventbrite.com, or by calling 317-639-4534 or 800-450-4534. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. with program from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Indiana Landmarks Center (which is accessible to all) or online via Zoom.

1 comment:

  1. The closure of beautiful Masonic Halls is neither new nor surprising. Many of these grand buildings were constructed when hundreds, if not thousands, of brethren regularly attended. According to the Masonic Service Association of North America (MSANA), Freemasonry in the United States peaked in 1959 with 4.1 million members. As of 2023, membership has declined to around 869,000—a steady decrease since 1959.

    With lodge dues failing to keep pace with inflation and membership continuing to shrink, maintaining these historic buildings becomes increasingly challenging. Renting out spaces for commercial purposes could help, but it compromises the building's Masonic identity.

    I recommend that lodges focus on manageable solutions and adapt to current realities rather than stressing over the rising costs of maintaining these buildings. Embracing more practical approaches can help preserve the essence of our lodges while staying in tune with modern times.


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