Convened by the journal, Ritual, Secrecy, and Civil Society, in cooperation with the Policy Studies Organization, France's Museum of Freemasonry and the GODF, this event explores how associations and volunteerism have shaped democracy, politics, and history.
The conference alternates each year between Paris and Washington, D.C.
This international event attracts the top scholars around the world in the field of not just Freemasonry, but of fraternalism of all kinds. It is a part of the Policy Studies Organization's support of research into associations, civility, and the role of non governmental organizations in democracy.
This international event attracts the top scholars around the world in the field of not just Freemasonry, but of fraternalism of all kinds. It is a part of the Policy Studies Organization's support of research into associations, civility, and the role of non governmental organizations in democracy.
These ongoing international conferences have been spearheaded and supported by Brother Paul Rich for more than a decade now, and he has been a champion of promoting and pursuing Masonic scholarship on a worldwide basis. A shocking number of U.S. Masons are unaware of his role in this pursuit, as well as his own scholarship, and that is a downright shame. On top of his many accomplishments and honors in the academic world, he is the publisher of numerous books about Freemasonry (among others) through Westphalia Press.
In conjunction with Paul Rich, Brother Pierre Mollier in France is one of the top Masonic historians in the world. Among his many accomplishments, he is the director of France's incredible Museum of Freemasonry in Paris (Musée dé Franc-Maçonnerie). If you don't know his name or reputation, you need to.
In conjunction with Paul Rich, Brother Pierre Mollier in France is one of the top Masonic historians in the world. Among his many accomplishments, he is the director of France's incredible Museum of Freemasonry in Paris (Musée dé Franc-Maçonnerie). If you don't know his name or reputation, you need to.
Presenters will include:
Guillaume Trichard, Grand Master of the Grand Orient de France; Pierre Mollier, Curator of Paris' Museum of Freemasonry; Paul Rich, Harvard and George Mason University Professor; Arturo de Hoyos, Scottish Rite Research Society; Josef Wäges; S. Brent Morris, Editor Emeritus of the Scottish Rite Journal; UCLA's Margaret Jacob; John Belton; Andrew Prescott from the University of Glasgow; Cécile Révauger, University Professor Emeritus, Bordeaux University; Pierre Yves Beaurepaire, Nice University Professor; Peter Lanchidi, Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest; Simon Deschamps, Lecturer, University of Toulouse le Mirail; Charles Coutel, Professor Emeritus at the University of Artois; Éric Saunier, Lecturer at the University of Le Havre; Mireille Quivy, Honorary Lecturer, University of Rouen; and Christophe Devillers, Editor-in-chief of Humanisme magazine; and Joachim Grave dos Santos, Archivist of the Grand Orient Lusitanien.
Also presenting will be:
Roger Dachez; Jean-Michel Mathonière; Maurice Weber; Laurent Segalini; Jan Snoek; Gaëtan Mentor; Marcel Clodion; André Combes; Gérard Contremoulin; Colette Léger; Jean-Luc Le Bras; Dominique Jardin; Guillermo De Los Reyes; Laure Caille; Philippe Wiedenhoff; Michel Chomarat; Yves Grange; Antonio Morales; Joaquim Grave Dos Santos; and Wallace Boston.
(See the complete program HERE.)
Because presentations may be made in English or French, simultaneous translations from French-English, English-French are offered for most sessions. The Conference is free of charge, but you need to register on EventBrite if you will be attending – CLICK HERE.
The conferences are held alternatively in Paris (2022, 2024) and in Washington D.C. (2023, 2025). The Washington conferences are held at the historic Quaker Meeting House.

Following each conference, the presented papers are collected and published in the journal, Ritual, Secrecy, and Civil Society. Journals from previous conferences may also be read online or downloaded.
The conferences are held alternatively in Paris (2022, 2024) and in Washington D.C. (2023, 2025). The Washington conferences are held at the historic Quaker Meeting House.
And just because this comes up every time this conference is announced in the U.S.; YES, the event will be held in the library, the museum, and in several lodge rooms of the Grand Orient de France — all of which are unique and beautiful. NO, that's not the French jurisdiction that U.S. grand lodges and the United Grand Lodge of England recognize as regular. YES, we all know the GOF is irregular by our standards; NO, you won't be attending a tyled meeting; But YES, you CAN attend these types of Masonic-related events without your apron bursting into flames or incurring the wrath of your grand master.
The world of Freemasonry is a very big place outside of your lodge and your grand lodge, and we should never stop learning.
Even us Dummies.
The conference began with a call for papers in 2006, and so in its 18th year. It first met in Edinburgh in 2007 with the support of Brother Sir Archibald Orr Ewing, Grand Master Mason of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, and Brother and Past Grand Master Mason the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine,(happily still with us in his 101st year). Much organizing was done by Brother Andrew Mushet, currently Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. The conference was supported by the Centre for Research into Freemasonry, University of Sheffield, which before closing did so much in encouraging research. Over the years over 700 papers from 23 countries have been delivered. The internet provides a large audience across the world with all sessions with translation. This year the Bartholdi Award for Distinguished Scholarship goes to Brother Jean-Luc Le Bras for his research on Auguste de Grasse-Tilly. The Regulus Award for Distinguished Service to the Scholarly Community goes to Brother Peter Lanchidi for his outstanding biography of David Rosenberg. The Kilwinning Award for Lifetime Contributions to Research and Scholarship goes to Brother John Belton for his contributions to Masonic history. Each will receive the silver Memento Viveres of working tools. The Plenary Address will be delivered by Professor Margaret Jacob with commentary by Brother Brent Morris.