The Grand Lodge of Ohio continues to get coverage throughout the state. From today's Zanesville Times Recorder:
Other events to be held throughout the year include a parade and reenactment of the cornerstone laying ceremony at the Statehouse in Columbus, set for June 21; the Ohio Special Olympics on June 27; a memorial ceremony at the grave of Rufus Putnam (the first Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio) in Marietta, scheduled for July 4; each district will put together a time capsule which will be buried Sept. 7 in Springfield on Ohio Masonic Home Day; and a public exhibition of historic Masonic artifacts to be displayed during the state convention in Columbus in October.
In addition, symbolic lanterns were commissioned for each district, which will be lit and passed from the oldest lodge to the next oldest lodge in each district until the "light" has passed through each lodge.
In the photo above, W:.B:. Chad Bonifield, Master of Amity Lodge, left, and W:.B:. Aaron French, Master of La Fayette Lodge, pass their disctrict's ceremonial lantern.
Now THAT is some cool looking woodwork, right there.