Myself and Brent Morris at Masonic Week 2007.
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Oh, that is priceless!
ReplyDeleteYou guys really need to do a book tour together.
Funny you should mention that.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read the Idiot version, but I'm definitely a Dummy fan!
ReplyDeleteOur lodge just donated both books, plus Freemasons in America, to our local library. There should be a story with a picture in our local newspapers next week.
ReplyDeleteWhile I am reluctant to defame the good name of a Brother Master Mason, I have heard that only dummies are buying Chris's book. It's obvious who's buying mine!
ReplyDeleteAs for that book tour, we've got the title down: "The Head Dummy and Chief Idiot tell you everything you need to know about Freemasonry." With any luck, we'll open in Indianapolis in November. Check local listing for details.
Brother Morris is rather a devious looking fellow. I happen to know from personal experience that he's also a card sharp. Are you certain you caught the flu or might something have been slipped into your drink at an opportune time to slow down your book sales and increase his? Hmmmm?
ReplyDeleteI know he wouldn't do that. Just as Brent knows I had nothing to do with his "accident" that resulted in a broken foot.
ReplyDeleteI was in Nebraska at the time.
With witnesses.
Great maybe SR can hand these books out at Nascar races. Wow that would be great!
ReplyDeleteSince Pike wrote crap I'm sure the Dummie-Idiot series will do well.
Total destruction of an honorable order to dummies and idiots. Its great!
Spoken with the brave intellectual conviction of an anonymous poster.
ReplyDeleteNeither "Idiots" nor "Dummies" are perfect books - goodnes knows I've got enough errors in mine! However, we did our best for the fraternity and put our names with our works. We are happy to stand by our words and to let the world judge us in open. I've never understood what motivates someone to try to tear down the honest efforts of others. It's like anonymous cowards defacing public buildings with graffiti.
ReplyDeleteIdiots, Dummies, and Nascar a great mix.
ReplyDeletePike, Hall, Wilmshurst wrote crap.
hOHOTT needs doe to stay afloat so tear off the west gate and let the money roll in.
Hmm, so not only do anonymous Masons not read, they can't spell or express themselves in English, either.
ReplyDeleteLooks as if the Idiots and Dummies lost their Nascar sponsorship.
ReplyDeleteReports say that Nascar officials have learned of the 10 states that do not have Black SR members. Yet once again the SR attempt at a hostile take over of Freemasonry was thwarted.
What will they do next?
No, reports actually indicate that the dispute is between the team owner and the driver, and doesn't have a thing to do with the AASR. But, please, as long as you enjoy celebrating a setback to the fraternity's good faith efforts to seek new men and get the symbols of Freemasonry back front of the eyes of a public that has long forgotten what they are, I guess that's all that matters.
ReplyDeleteIn the meantime, instead of wasting your time on the internet, why not go back to your lodge or your Grand Lodge and start helping to solve the problems you undoubtedly see?
I had heard of the Dummies book, but didn't know about the Idiots book until I saw the two in a local bookstore. And also discovered that they's done an 'Everything Freemasons Book' as well. HOWEVER, it appears that the Everything book was NOT written by Masons.
ReplyDeleteShouldn't it be called The Idiots Guide to How Scottish Rite plans to take over Masonry?
ReplyDeleteNope, which you would know if you actually read it. Do you never tire of anonymously pouring out your bile and hiding behind sock puppets? I'd be drop-dead astonished if you would ever put up a blog or a website and had the guts to take ownership for your comments and opinions.
ReplyDeleteYou have complaints and gripes against your former Grand Lodge or the Scottish Rite? Then act like an adult. You have "evidence" of "wrongdoing" that you just can't wait to get out in the public arena? Then have the guts to stand by your accusations. Put your name on it. After all, they have no leverage against you anymore, since you have dropped out of mainstream Masonry.
Or try actually building something worthwhile and prove the rest of the Masonic world wrong. But, no, you continue to prove that it's far more important to anonymously tear down what others have accomplished in good faith than it is to create something admirable on your own, out in the open, where your own actions and motives can be scrutinized.
Take your tantrums somewhere else.
The UGLA is dead!
ReplyDeleteI hope by that you mean that the men involved and their former Grand Lodges have come to some kind of understanding and that they have been reinstated. These brethren are too talented to be squandered by the fraternity.
ReplyDeleteThe only understanding they have is destruction. They want to re-invent the wheel and make masonry something it never was intended to be.