"To preserve the reputation of the Fraternity unsullied must be your constant care."


Saturday, October 21, 2006

Lodge Vitruvian's October Meeting & Feast

The final 2006 meeting of Lodge Vitruvian No. 767, F. & A. M., will be on Tuesday, October 24, 2006, at 7:00 p.m in the temple of Broad Ripple Lodge No. 643 F. & A. M., located at 1716 Broad Ripple Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Tuxedo, Regalia and White Gloves for Members, Tuxedo or Business Attire for Visitors.

Our guest speaker will be Worshipful Brother Jon M. B. Porter, PhD and a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries - Scotland. WBro. Porter is a Lecturer for the Change and Tradition Program at Butler University, and he is a Past Master of Mystic Tie Lodge No. 398 in Indianapolis. He will be presenting what promises to be a fascinating a paper on Masonic Neo-Templarism.

The Festive Board will follow the meeting in the private dining room of the Capri Restaurant, 2602 Ruth Drive, Indianapolis, Indiana (Keystone Avenue between 71st and 75th Streets).

Each attendee will be responsible to the Lodge for the cost of his meal. The cost for the Festive Board is $20 per person, exclusive of alcoholic beverages, payable to the Secretary. Gratuity will be paid by the Lodge.

Brethren wishing to imbibe are responsible for the price of their drinks. Please consume responsibly.

For reservations, please contact our Secretary Nathan C. Brindle, PM at secretary(at)vitruvian.org

This will be my last meeting as Master of Lodge Vitruvian, a position in which I have been proud and honored to serve for two years. My deepest and sincerest thanks to the many brethren I have met and served with during that time. Lodge Vitruvian is a unique institution in Indiana Freemasonry, and is the only European Concept lodge in the state. I am honored to have been allowed to help lead this small group of visionary Masons one or two steps into the future, and I have great hope for their destiny in the coming years.

1 comment:

  1. The last stated meeting of 2006 for Lodge Vitruvian was a terrific evening of fellowship, fun and enlightenment. Many thanks to our speaker, Wbro. Jon Porter, Past Master of Mystic Tie Lodge No. 398 in Indianapolis, for his fascinating and entertaining paper on the origins of Masonic Templarism. This was Jon's first visit to Vitruvian, and we hope it will not be his last.

    I am honored to report that our lodge's newest member by affiliation is Wbro. James Dillman, Past Master of Major General John A. Logan Masonic Lodge No. 575 in Indianapolis. Jim is one of the most accomplished, talented and well-traveled Masons in the state, and his services are in constant demand for degrees. More important, Jim is a good friend and an outstanding Mason, and we are privileged to welcome him as our newest member.

    Tyson Johnston, star of the Grand Lodge of Indiana's video and a member of Calvin Prather Lodge No. 717 made his first visit to Vitruvian as well.

    As always, dinner at Capri was outstanding. Arturo and his talented, friendly and very efficient crew always do an excellent job for us, and his restaurant just keeps getting more beautiful with each new addition and expansion. I can't recommend it enough.

    Most important, last night we held our elections, and I want to congratulate Brother Phillip A. Garver on his election as the fourth Worshipful Master of Lodge Vitruvian. He is an endlessly fascinating man with an impressive and extensive background in religion, philosophy, history and initiatic societies, and we are all looking forward to the coming year working under his leadership.

    Congratulations also to Wbro. Dale Adams, PM on moving to the SW position, and to Wbro. W. Keith Stiner, PM, our new JW. Wbro. Timothy R. Brinkmeyer, PM, will be our Chaplain. I will be loitering in the Treasurer's chair, and Wbro. Nathan Brindle, PM, will remain in the Secretary's position.

    On a personal note, it has been an honor to serve as Vitruvian's Master for two years. It is interesting to note that had it not been for my association with this lodge, the events of the last four years of my Masonic life would have been very different, and undoubtedly I would not have had the chance to write a certain book. I value the friendships I have made in this lodge, and I am proud to be associated with its members.

    The influence of this little lodge literally worldwide is beyond comprehension for me. I commonly receive notes from all over the Masonic world asking about some of our practices, customs and vision for masonry's future. Visitors come from all over to see what we are doing.

    No, we are not taking the world by storm with hordes of new members joining us. In fact, they are NOT joining us - they are doing something far more important. They are taking what they see us doing back to their own lodges and making changes there. They propose what others in their own lodges may believe to be radical, and saying "I've seen it work at Vitruvian." That is a greater success than if we packed our lodge with new members. What we do is indeed spreading. Our mission is succeeding. And for my money, that's something of which we can all be proud.

    So thanks to the members of Lodge Vitruvian for your support. I am very much looking forward to the coming year, and beyond.


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