TO: All Scottish Rite Valleys & Masonic Organizations
FROM: The Valley of Chicago, AASR, NMJ, USA
DATE: Monday, June 23, 2008
RE: Stolen Masonic Jewels and Other Historic Paraphernalia
On Sunday, June 22, 2008, between 2:00 am and 4:00 am, the office of the Valley of Chicago, along with several other offices located in the building that we are temporarily operating from until the development of our new headquarters is complete, was burglarized. As of this morning, upon discovery of the burglary, the proper law enforcement agencies have been notified.
During the burglary, our secured vault was compromised. As a result, many of the Valley’s precious metals and historic jewels were taken. Among those items removed from the vault include, but are not limited to:
Past Presiding Officer Jewels of the Lodge of Perfection; Council Princes of Jerusalem; Rose Croix; and Consistory; each inscribed “Property of AASR – Valley of Chicago” and properly numbered;
33º Member Jewels;
Diamond Membership Pins;
Dudley and Elgin Masonic Watches;
Lapel Pins, Oriental Consistory;
Past Presiding Officer Jewels from various Grand York Rite Bodies;
Past Master Jewels from various Masonic Lodges; and
Other Masonic Jewelry and Historic Metals.
Should you happen to come across any suspicious items, on Ebay or other auction sites for example, please contact Gregory R. Klemm, MSA, 33º, at (800) 774-3467, ext. 302, or at gregoryklemm@aol.com.
As a result of this burglary, a great deal of Masonic history has been compromised. Your assistance in helping us to recover that history is greatly appreciated.