"To preserve the reputation of the Fraternity unsullied must be your constant care."


Monday, September 16, 2024

Esotericism In Freemasonry 2024 Conference in Seattle: Sept 27-29

by Christopher Hodapp

The 4th Esotericism In Freemasonry 2024 Conference will be held the weekend of September 27-29 at Occidental Lodge in the Ballard Masonic Center in Seattle, Washington, featuring a lineup of some of the top contemporary writers and researchers in Western esotericism, comparative religion, and much more. 

An increasing number of men coming to Freemasonry are thirsting for esoteric knowledge that goes far beyond the usual Blue Lodge fare of Masonic education. Expressing interest in 'esotericism' covers a LOT of territory, and there are plenty of bunny holes one can fall into without being suitably grounded and prepared. Esoteric topics are complex, and in fairness, not every Mason or every Masonic lodge has the desire, patience, or enough collective knowledge to truly delve into centuries of historic, philosophic, religious, mathematic, symbolic, and alchemical threads that influenced 'modern' Freemasonry by the 1700s. The conference provides an opportunity to gather with like-minded brethren and explore some of these topics.

Once again, this event is being partially organized by my friend, WB Troy Spreeuw from Vancouver, host of the Mystic Tye podcast.

The weekend program:
  • Friday evening will start with a mediation session, followed by entertainment and a pub meetup. Everyone welcome.
  • Saturday will feature keynote speaker Brother Ike Baker of the Arcanum Podcast, presentations by Dr. Nathan Schick, and more to be announced. There will also be a panel discussion about Masonic buildings. The evening will end with a VIP dinner and pub meetup. Everyone welcome.
  • Sunday 29th there will be two practical workshops led by Br. P.D. Newman and Jaime Paul Lamb. This will be for Master Masons only.
Take note: Speakers and presentations on Friday and Saturday are open to the general public, while Sunday's will be restricted to Master Masons only.

Tickets are free for Friday night; $50 for speakers and panels on Saturday plus $175 for the VIP dinner; $50 for Sunday's Masonic sessions.

In order to purchase tickets, you need to visit the conference website HERE and click the RSVP button.

For blog entries from some of the event's speakers, CLICK HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for keeping the Craft informed about events that highlight Esoteric Light. Often, gaining this knowledge and connecting with like-minded individuals requires Masons to attend conferences or participate in online gatherings. I believe this valuable information should be embraced and shared within individual Masonic Lodges, which has been a personal goal of mine.


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