In the Name of the Grand Architect of the Universe
Under the Constitution of the M.W. Grand Lodge of Indiana, F. & A. M.
M. W. Bro. James M. Barkdull, GRAND MASTER
Second Quarterly Stated Communication for 2007
Free and Accepted Masons
Under Dispensation 8 August 2001 - Chartered 21 May 2002
Constituted 17 August 2002
W. Bro. Phillip A. Garver, MASTER
All Master Masons to attend the Stated Communication of Lodge Vitruvian No. 767, F. & A. M., holden in the Hall of Broad Ripple Lodge No. 643 F. & A. M., located at 1716 Broad Ripple Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana, opening on Tuesday, April 24, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. precisely.
Visitors are always welcome at Lodge Vitruvian. In order to keep the restaurant informed of our numbers for the evening, please endeavor to notify the Secretary that you will be in attendance.
Tuxedo, Regalia and White Gloves for Members, Tuxedo or Business Attire for Visitors.
Our speaker for the evening will be WBro. Mark Haworth, Master of Broad Ripple Lodge No. 643, who will present his recent paper on "The Transition from Noachide to Hiramic Legend in Ancient Freemasonry".
The Festive Board
Festive Board to follow the meeting at the Capri Restaurant
2602 Ruth Drive, Indianapolis, Indiana
(Keystone Avenue between 71st and 75th Streets)
Each attendee will be responsible to the Lodge for the cost of his meal. The cost for the Festive Board is $20 per person, exclusive of alcoholic beverages, payable to the Secretary. Gratuity will be paid by the Lodge.
Brethren wishing to imbibe are responsible for the price of their drinks. Please drink responsibly.
Upcoming Events
Saturday, June 9, 2007 (tentative date)
Schofield House Pilgrimage, Madison, Indiana
Called Meeting for the Conferral of the Entered Apprentice Degree
More information as it is available
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Stated Meeting
Opening at 7:00 PM, Festive Board to follow
Masonic speaker to be announced
Yes, it was a great evening.
ReplyDeleteYes, Wbro. Mark's paper was excellent.
yes, dinner was superb.
And, yes, Vitruvian continues to grow, with one candidate voted in this evening, and another incoming petition.
ReplyDeleteIs there a way to see this paper presented by WB Mark?
Also, if myself and some brothers from ohio want to travel to one of your meetings, should that be a problem?
maybe I can get a crew to road trip to Indy for some fellowship..
I went to school at Purdue, so I am familiar with Indy....
We are a TO type lodge that made the changes in the lodge without having to get chartered...
so we are like minded masons
Wbro. Haworth is still tinkering with his paper (he let out something of a visceral yowl when he asked about a rare book I had in my possession for the last two years, borrowed from the Lodge library). When he has it completed, we'll post it on Vitruvian's site. He also said something about submitting it to Heredom, so he may want to give Brent first shot before posting it in public.
ReplyDeleteVitruvian meets quarterly on the fourth Tuesday of January, April, July and October. We're about a six hour drive for you guys. Give us a few days' notice and we'll see that there's a place at dinner for you.