The Grand Lodge's counsel John Tinney has has asked Judge Irene C. Berger to throw out the case, saying Haas has not exhausted the appeals process within the Grand Lodge yet.
The story reads, in part:
The edict expelling Haas would be part of a report presented by the grand master at the end of his term, Tinney said. Members of the Grand Lodge then have the opportunity to vote to accept or reject each part of that report.
Following that, Haas could appeal to the Grievance and Appeal Committee, who would also present their findings for the approval of Grand Lodge members, he said.
Haas could finally appeal to the Jurisprudence Committee, whose report would again be subject to approval of the Grand Lodge members, he said.
Tinney asked Berger to adopt a "hands-off" policy toward the Masons, saying that courts in West Virginia generally do not interject into an organization's processes until they have run their course.
Haas' attorney, Bob Allen, maintained that any effort by Haas to seek reinstatement in a Masonic setting would be a sham.
"If this court dismisses this complaint, he's a goner," he said.
Members of the committees that hear appeals serve at the will and pleasure of the grand master, and their findings could be easily influenced, he said.
Haas tried to appeal his expulsion within the organization, but received no formal acknowledgement of his grievance until he filed the lawsuit, Allen said.
In another development, on Monday, the Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of West Virginia, WWBro, Robin Griffith, filed an amicus brief in support of Haas. The brief points out that West Virginia is one of only 10 states where the Grand Lodge does not recognize their Prince Hall counterparts, which were established because black Masons are traditionally not welcome in mainstream lodges. If nothing else comes out of this from a legal standpoint, this is a bold philosophical and symbolic move on the part of the MWPHGLofWV in support of Haas.
And in one hilarious exchange in the bon chance department, the Grand Lodge wants the names and addresses of internet posters from the Masonic Crusade website:
In their court filings, the defendants have asked Haas to identify the names, e-mail addresses, aliases and/or pen names of all individuals who contribute or comment on the Masonic Crusade site.
The interrogatories specifically ask for information on individuals who post under the names "I.M. Hiram" and "A Mason," and ask Haas to describe his involvement in "the mass e-mailing campaign of the individual or individuals" writing as I.M. Hiram.
BTW, on a side note, I do wish someone in the Grand Lodge office would let their web administrator know the GL of WV's home page title reads "Grang Lodge." They don't seem to accept my emails. And since I'm looking at websites, somebody needs to tell the MW Prince Hall GL of West Virginia they could probably stand a more uplifting piece of music on their website besides "The Thrill Is Gone."
Just sayin'.
Judge Berger has indicated she will rule on the motion to dismiss within two weeks.
Last year the Secretary of at least one Lodge in California was required to provide the names of all "Filipino" members to an AGL without explanation. Who knows what goes on in the minds of some GL people.
ReplyDeleteIf you weren't aware of the problem in California regarding the "Snakes" and those of "Filipino" heritage, then you should make generalizations like that.
ReplyDeleteOne question, when is the next Communication. Concerning the case, the judge might dismiss the claim without prejudice allowing WB Haas to file again once the appeals process is over. The Statute of Limitations will likely determine the next step.
ReplyDeletethe snakes are trying to go legit this Grand Session session...
The text of the PHA amicus curiae brief is now available here.
ReplyDeleteThe GL of WV meets in October.
I don't think that the Grand Master's authority will be as absolute in Judge Berger's courtroom.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it pretty obvious that if this is thrown out of profane courts back into the "court" of the GL of WV that nothing good can come of it? Do any of you think that it just wont be swept under the rug?
ReplyDeleteBTW: Where in the hell are the other 50 GL's? I find it really strange for them to be able to pressure the GL of MN for their recognition of the GL of France but they are all mum on this issue. C'mon.
Kangaroo Court anyone?
ReplyDeleteagain we ask for good thoughts and prayers as we go through a very difficult time in West Virginia. I appreciate all the unbiased coverage and open comments that have been shared here. We are going to grow up and be real masons practicing the true brotherhood of man.
A Mason